Showkat’s body released but is not yet buried

DUBAI — The body of Showkat Nazir, who died on September 22 after an allegedly botched sinus operation, has been released after formalities but the burial could not take place due to complicated laws.

Authorities silent as LPG prices shoot up

SHARJAH – Residents have complained that despite a promised control on LPG cylinder prices, authorities were not pursuing the matter anymore. The officials, however, say that the prices were actually dictated by the international market price.

Private sector hospitals deny exploitation charges

DUBAI — Denying that private hospitals are exploiting healthcare seekers in the country with unethical practices, representatives of private healthcare services have claimed that the sector had qualtitatively complemented the public health segment, a contribution which should not be ignored.

Private hospitals deny exploitation charges

DUBAI — Denying that private hospitals are exploiting healthcare seekers in the country with unethical practices, representatives of private healthcare services have claimed that the sector had quanlitatively complemented the public health segment, a contribution which should not be ignored.

Eat the right food during Ramadan

DUBAI — The holy month of Ramadan offers an excellent opportunity to lose weight, especially by performing light exercise and eating the right kind of food, recommend dieticians.

Negligence blamed for death of patient

DUBAI — Showkat Nazir, 37, admitted to a hospital because of an allegedly botched sinus operation carrried out in the New Medical Centre (NMC) here, died on Friday.