Expats suffer depression as conditions deteriorate

DUBAI — Discrimination at the workplace, longer working hours, home-sickness, and unbeatable traffic are among the main causes of depression among expatriate workers in the country, opine psychiatrists.

Myopia-afflicted kids may develop psychological rues

DUBAI — A survey carried out at two private schools in the UAE recently indicates that Myopia or shortsightedness is prevalent in several children which can lead to psychological problems if the defective vision is not corrected.

Dh1b mega projects to ease traffic flow on major roads

DUBAI — It is an impressive plan and it aims at alleviating the increasing burden of traffic on arterial roads within the city. To begin with, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will widen Al Maktoum Bridge by adding two new lanes from Deira to Bur Dubai.

Man scouts for lung donor for his wife

DUBAI — Pakistani national Kamran Hassan wouldn't have imagined that his premature son, weighing a mere 500 grams, would beat the odds and that, instead, his 28-year-old wife, Huma's life would be at risk.

Dohms cost-cutting steps yield success

DUBAI — Cutting of costs including privatisation of unessential service departments at the Dubai Department of Health and Medical Services (Dohms) has resulted in lowering expenses by as much as 59 per cent.