Cost cutting measures lower Dohms’s expenses

DUBAI — Cutting of costs including privatisation of unessential service departments at the Dubai Department of Health and Medical Services (Dohms) has resulted in lowering expenses by as much as 59 per cent.

Mental health problems on rise among schoolchildren

DUBAI — Absence of health counsellors in schools has contributed to a rise in mental health problems in students and nearly 13 per cent of them considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months, reveals a study conducted by the UAE Ministry of Health for the Global School-Based Health Survey last year.


Schoolchildren face more mental health problems

DUBAI - Absence of health counsellors in schools has contributed to a rise in mental health problems in students and nearly 13 per cent of them considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months, reveals a study conducted by the UAE Ministry of Health for the Global School-Based Health Survey last year.


Taxi drivers are accused of short-changing passengers

DUBAI — Make sure that you count your change well before you step out of a taxi the next time! Recently, taxi drivers have been accused of short-changing passengers and handing over ‘foreign’ currency instead of dirhams.

Polio outbreak in Yemen, Saudi

DUBAI — The UAE which was declared Polio-free has once again become vulnerable with a fresh outbreak reported in the neighbouring Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, including Yemen and Saudi Arabia, according to Mohammed Wahdan, Special Adviser to the Regional Director for Polio Eradication at the World Health Organisation.

Three get prizes for giving up smoking

DUBAI — “My children were the main reason I quit smoking,” said 35-year-old Egyptian national Ahmed Shehata, who was on Saturday presented a prize for quitting smoking by Humaid Mohammad Obaid Al Qutami, the UAE Minister of Health.

Cord blood rates double for expats

DUBAI — The Department of Health and Medical Services has announced the fee structure for its newly-opened Dubai Cord Blood and Research Centre (DCRC).