Are children ready to return to classes after long vacation?

Dubai - Though some students transitioning from primary to secondary school are feeling a little anxious about the new challenges ahead.


Kelly Clarke

Published: Thu 30 Aug 2018, 7:52 AM

Last updated: Thu 30 Aug 2018, 9:56 AM

As children across the UAE enjoy the final week of their long summer vacation, most students say they are excited to get back into the classroom again, contrary to popular belief.
Whether it's to reconnect with friends or get stuck into their favourite lessons, many feel refreshed after the months-long vacation. Though some students transitioning from primary to secondary school are feeling a little anxious about the new challenges ahead.
Mishal Faraz is one of them. Heading to Year 7, next week Faraz will go from being the oldest in the primary section to the youngest in the secondary section.
Speaking to Khaleej Times, she said "it's a whole lot of change and transition".
"I think it's natural to have a feeling of anticipation but at the same time I'm quite impatient to step into that new world and see what it holds."
Among some of the changes she'll be experiencing is a whole new uniform; something a little more formal than her previous attire. And instead of writing with pencils, she will now be writing with a pen.
"This academic year is a pivotal one for me as I'm moving from Year 6 to Year 7. I know that the challenges I face will be bigger, harder and tougher, but I will work just as hard to educate and enrich my mind as much as possible and get the best out of this academic year."
Like Faraz, 11-year-old Humza Adnan is ending his summer holiday with a big change; he too is transitioning from primary to secondary school.
"That makes me a little nervous. There are a lot of new subjects in secondary school that I need to get use to. But my older brother went to the same school and thus I have some idea on what to expect, which is quite helpful."
Spending the long vacation with family, including his grandparents and cousins, Adnan said he is most looking forward to reconnecting with his school friends.
Heading into Grade 9 this year at Dubai International Academy, 13-year-old Adam Masood kept himself busy during the summer break.
Travelling to three different countries, he got to attend his aunt's wedding and had the opportunity to catch up with extended family. But he took some time out to study too.
"I was a little nervous about heading into Grade 9 maths, but I took the opportunity during the summer break to practise exercise material, which was recommended by teachers before going on break."
And now, he said, he feels more prepared for the new challenges ahead. When it comes to what he's most looking forward to getting his teeth stuck into, he didn't hesitate.
"I'm excited to get back into sports and after school activities."
Two students heading to Grade 4 at different schools next week are Mir F. and Rayana Alahmadani.
For Mir, what he will miss most about the summer break is time with his family - and time on his Xbox. But with a new subject to tackle this year - French - he said he is more than up for the challenge.
"I will have a new subject this year. So I'm a little bit anxious about it, but at the same time I'm looking forward to the new learning. It will be nice to begin learning a new language along with English and Arabic."
And Alahmadani has her sights set on one thing. "I want to earn an A in every subject."

Kelly Clarke

Published: Thu 30 Aug 2018, 7:52 AM

Last updated: Thu 30 Aug 2018, 9:56 AM

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