Every school needs a makerspace to boost innovation

A makerspace is an area where the tools to actualise your imagination are within reach.

dubai - A makerspace is a dedicated area where the tools to actualise your imagination are easily within reach


By Heena Rachh

Published: Sun 29 Jul 2018, 7:38 PM

Last updated: Sun 29 Jul 2018, 9:47 PM

Innovation, simply put, is an idea, solution or device that changes the course of history or expands our current understanding. By its very definition, it is something that must deviate from the current norm in order to achieve a result. Not surprisingly, the bid to innovate has intensified in recent times with product leadership or operational excellence deriving its advantage from innovation in the field.

There was a time when standardised jobs and a good work ethic would ensure a stable future. However, we are entering into a phase where the stand-out candidate who can steer the firm in a new direction is preferred. It is not enough to have the knowledge, its application in new ways is the need of the hour.

A makerspace is a dedicated area where the tools to actualise your imagination are easily within reach. Earmarked to boost creativity, they lay the requisite tools, technology and know-how for children. As we enter into a global market with breakthroughs and ideas becoming currency, we must ask - Are our students ready for the challenges that await them?

It's all in your mind
Most educators have realised the importance of the success trifecta of creativity, innovation and knowledge. However, the presence of state-of-the-art technology is not enough to boost analytical skills in a child. Innovation goes beyond physical markers, it is a behavioural and cognitive function that has to be developed, practised and above all, encouraged. As children, their minds are poised to be moulded according to exposure to different elements. Schools, thus, face the responsibility to ensure that problem solving and critical thinking become a part of the curriculum. A makerspace is what aids in the process whereby children are given motivation to realise their potential. A creative mind needs a platform if it is to hone its ability to think out of the box. This fosters an early initiation into creative thinking that is expected of them when they enter the workforce.

To educate, you must learn
We must understand that our teachers and our students inhabit different worlds. Each party has been exposed to vastly different elements growing up and face unique challenges now. While technically sound, most educators struggle to understand the importance of their own learning. A teacher is a guide and should be well-informed. In today's fast-paced world, it is not only students but also teachers that need a space of innovation and creativity if they are to dispose their duty well. A makerspace becomes a levelling ground where both teachers and students are able to work in synergy and learn from one another. The learning curve for students depends directly on their teachers and how well they are able to navigate the complex world we live in.

Technology as an ally
Smart classrooms have become a staple in many schools with whiteboards, audio-visual lessons and projectors helping the children learn. However, it is not enough to just adopt the technology; we must embrace it completely to tap its potential. Innovation is not a solitary process and collaboration is key to arriving at new ideas. We must use technology to expose children to an interaction with the outside world. Technology can help bridge the gap between theoretical and practical and create an environment of creative thinking. When in a makerspace, technology becomes an ally that helps you create by increasing familiarity with rising trends.

Build a culture of change
As an institution of learning, it can be easy to assume rigidity in procedures and plans. However, innovation is not relegated to mere projects or a few interactions. It is an ingrained thought process that stems from culture. We must strive to build schools that have a culture that accepts and welcomes change. Creating an affinity for the dynamic will help children build skills to navigate the same when they work. We must create a space for changemakers in the very fabric of the schooling system. A makerspace becomes proof of a school's commitment to building this culture. It helps reinforce the idea that innovation and creativity are not just talking agendas but are a tangible part of the school's values.

Creating future leaders
We are creating future citizens of the world in our classrooms. Gone are the days when sound knowledge was all that was needed for success. The leaders today are innovators who are blazing a new trail and creating entities that challenge notions like Google, Space X, Amazon et al. They are breaking new frontiers with their ideas and are at the top of the table because of it. The future leaders will be those who are problem solvers and come up with solutions that are creative and viable. Simply put, a school that does not allow such a thought process to flourish will be under preparing the children for future obstacles. Every major breakthrough finds its humble beginnings in a small corner where imagination meets reality. A makerspace is the breeding ground for ideas. Every child has a unique way of looking at a problem and we have to create a culture that appreciates it and helps them become global citizens.

The writer is principal, Global Indian International School, Abu Dhabi. Views expressed are her own and do not reflect the newspaper's policy.

Heena Rachh

Published: Sun 29 Jul 2018, 7:38 PM

Last updated: Sun 29 Jul 2018, 9:47 PM

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