Top 10 future jobs in UAE: Are students prepared?

Is the education system in the UAE preparing students for tomorrow's automation jobs?


Kelly Clarke

Published: Fri 10 Feb 2017, 8:44 PM

Last updated: Tue 10 Jan 2023, 2:10 PM

Throughout our lives, we are constantly striving to make plans for a secure future. But when an ever-changing reality dictates a marked shift in tomorrow's job market, how do we adapt?

According to the predictions of Oxford University economists Dr Carl Frey and Dr Michael Osborne, around 40 per cent of job roles will be lost to automation in just 25 years.

So how are the UAE's students of today preparing for an altogether different, technology-driven tomorrow?


For years, 'technology' and 'innovation' have been the UAE's buzzwords, with the country's leadership backing everything from crowd-sourcing to the latest in automation. But these are no longer just buzz words, they are the reality.

And as such, Christine Nasserghodsi, director of innovation at Gems, said it is now vital that educators understand the importance of partnering with experts on employability and future-preparedness.

"Students today need to be problem-finders and problem-solvers, with high levels of 'flexpertise'. We have to create innovators, entrepreneurs, and intra-preneurs of the future who are agile in their learning."

The 'jobs of the future' debate has become a very topical issue over the past few years. And traditional educational routes are making way for necessity, needs and wants.

Before future job descriptions even exist, it is up to the stakeholders (students, educational institutions, employers and government agencies) to try and understand how the job market is changing. And when that riddle is understood, they can then predict what skills-set and competencies will be needed.

What the UAE wants

Speaking from a local perspective, Ali Matar, Head of LinkedIn Talent Solutions for Southern Europe, Mena, told Khaleej Times the skills most sought-after among employers in the region are in the technology industry.

"LinkedIn recently unveiled the Top Skills of 2016, and six of the top ten skills included 'Statistical Analysis and Data Mining', followed by 'Public Policy & International Relations and Algorithm Design'.

When LinkedIn launched the UAE Economic Graph last year, it found that Robotics, 3D Printing and Internet of Things are the main skill clusters driving innovation in the UAE.

But where will the future job successors lie?

"Look at 3D printing. The UAE ranks number 16 amongst the top 20 countries globally with the most number of talent in 3D printing and design. And 64 per cent of 3D Printing & Design-skilled talent in the UAE is working for companies based in the UAE, and if we keep growing at this rate, it can soon become a hub for 3D Talent," Matar said.

Although jobs of the future are a dead-set for change, it is now up to students and educators to change their mind-sets.

Adapting education sector

Director of Middlesex University Dubai, Dr Cedwyn Fernandes said one of its key goals is the "employability of its students".

"Our programmes need to be tailored to the needs of a fast changing job market. We have regular interaction with the industry via the Center of Innovation and Excellence, and Career Fairs which bring over 175 employers on campus, as well as our surveys of professions when we are introducing a new programme."

And when asked how the future jobs market has impacted student mindsets, he said the response has been good.

"Students are very positive about changes and this generation is very focused on acquiring as many skills as possible. It is parents who will normally go with what they are familiar with, but in some disciplines they are realiSing things have changed."

When LinkedIn collaborated with the Ministry of Education (MoE) to launch the UAE Economic Graph, the aim was to equip students with the information they need to learn the skills of the future.

So, information it out there, it is up to students to run with it, and turn today's obsolete reality into tomorrow's promising future.

Top 10 future jobs

> Body parts-maker

Create living body parts for athletes to boost their performance

> Nano-medics

Nano-technology and sub-atomic treatments to transform health

> GM or recombinant farmers

That's GM as in 'Genetically Modified' or engineered crops

> Elderly wellness consultant

Folks to tend to physical and mental needs of people

> Memory surgeons

Surgeons could boost patients' memory when it hits capacity

> Space pilots, tour guides

Space tourism will allow for space pilots and tour guides

> Vertical farmers

Future of farming is up. You could grow crops on skyscrapers


For additional data references on the above infographic, please refer to the respective articles on future jobs and skills.

Kelly Clarke

Published: Fri 10 Feb 2017, 8:44 PM

Last updated: Tue 10 Jan 2023, 2:10 PM

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