London - The constable has claimed that he took the biscuits with an intention to share.
However, the constable has claimed that he took the biscuits with an intention to share and he also offered to replace them, according to reports in Sky News.
Charles Apthrop, representing the Metropolitan Police at the tribunal, said the matter related to whether or not he had breached professional standards.
When asked, the then inspector Sarah Blake handling the case told that the matter was referred to Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) considering the 'gravity of the incident'. Blake added that 'theft is theft' and the offer made by the constable to replace the biscuits was baseless as he had already eaten them. "How was he going to put the biscuits back," asked Blake.
The constable has denied the allegation of breaching professional standards. Besides, he is also accused of getting a fixed penalty notice cancelled which was issued to him for travelling at 51mph in a 30mph zone.
Hooper claimed that he was transporting a male patient from a mental health unit to the station in Kingston, south west London, when the air conditioning stopped working. He said it was a health hazard because the patient had already been sick.
However, he is accused of lying about both the biscuit and the driving incidents.