Dubai and its surrounding areas observed a blood moon eclipse on Friday from a totally dark sky. The Dubai Astronomy Group organised a live video feed of the whole eclipse process. As the total lunar eclipse occurred at midnight in Dubai, residents stepped outside to witness the celestial event in all its glory.
The moon passed through the center of the Earth's shadow. This was the first central lunar eclipse since June 15, 2011
Lunar Eclipse Timetable in Dubai:
Penumbral Eclipse begins
Partial Eclipse begins
Full Eclipse begins
Maximum Eclipse
Full Eclipse ends
Partial Eclipse ends
Penumbral Eclipse ends
The UAE Space Agency sponsored a series of observation points at a number of astronomy centres throughout the UAE, providing residents with the opportunity to witness the longest total lunar eclipse of the century on Friday. Residents visited astronomy centres to watch this unique astronomical phenomenon. Viewing locations include: 1- The International Astronomical Centre in Abu Dhabi 2- Emirates Mobile Observatory 3- Al Sadeem Astronomy 4- Sharjah Centre for Astronomy and Space Sciences 5- Dubai Astronomy Group The phenomenon lasted for one hour, 42 minutes and 57 seconds. With inputs from Wam