This will allow vehicle owners to save 30 fils on SMS
Motorists in Dubai can now pay for parking tickets through popular mobile app WhatsApp, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) said on its website.
This will allow vehicle owners to save 30 fils on SMS.
“Parking is now as easy as sending a WhatsApp to RTA’s Chatbot Mahboub on 971 58 8009090. You will even save 30 fils on regular SMS payment,” the Authority said on its website.
However, motorists can also pay for public parking through SMS.
On March 28, RTA announced shifting the free public from Fridays to Sundays in line with the change in the weekend. This means paid parking zones would be free to use on Sundays, instead of Fridays as was the case earlier. Parking fees are applicable for 14 hours daily from 8am to 10pm, except Sundays and public holidays.
In addition, RTA had earlier said that residents can also inquire about the parking of traffic fines or requirements for driving and vehicle licence through WhatsApp.
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