Bank loans must be repaid even if you lose your job There is no legal option available to put the loan repayment installments on hold if the borrower loses his employment.
Can I get visit visa if I tested positive for hepatitis B? It is recommended you obtain a medical certificate on the treatment.
You must receive annual leave salary before your leave begins Your employer should pay your annual leave salary before you proceed on annual leave, in accordance with Article 80 of the Employment Law.
UAE Labour Law- Things to know about shifts, leaves and wages The laws also spell out details about maternity leave, sick leave and employee records.
You can accept new job while fighting against ex-boss The employee can apply for the issuance of a temporary work permit, which will allow him to work with the prospective employer for a period of six months pending the litigation.
It is an offence to issue a cheque without account balance The drawee may pay the cheque even after the expiry of the time fixed for its presentation.
Work in free zone if you quit in 6 months In the UAE, you may find a new job in the free zone, but not in the mainland companies if you have quit your employment within six months.
Non-Muslim wills made easy, but to cost more Brings clarity on succession; jurisdiction limited to Dubai.