UAE: Meet delivery rider hero who rescued kitten from busy road in viral video

The incident took place on Al Falah Street in Abu Dhabi when Zubair Anwar Muhammad Anwar was on his way to make a delivery


Angel Tesorero

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Published: Tue 18 Jun 2024, 6:46 PM

Last updated: Wed 19 Jun 2024, 2:08 PM

A stray kitten that hid under a car in the middle of a busy street was recently saved from harm — thanks to a rider's quick thinking and kindness.

“It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. The traffic light was red and I saw the kitten running and suddenly stopping under an SUV. I first checked my surroundings, and when everything was clear, I swiftly stepped off my motorbike and picked up the kitten without any hesitation,” said Zubair Anwar Muhammad Anwar, who spoke to Khaleej Times, from Gujranwala, Pakistan where he is on Eid Al Adha holiday.

“I placed the cat on the safe side of the road and returned to my motorcycle. I did not realise someone filmed the incident and that the clip became viral. I just felt happy I was able to save the kitten,” said the 29-year old Pakistani who has been a delivery rider in Abu Dhabi for the past five years.

Screengrab from video taken by Manaf K Abbas (@manafkabbas4/TikTok)
Screengrab from video taken by Manaf K Abbas (@manafkabbas4/TikTok)

Anwar said the incident happened before he went for his Eid vacation. “It was midday and the weather was very hot. The incident took place on Al Falah Street, in front of Al Manhal Palace in Abu Dhabi, while I was on my way to deliver food,” said Anwar.

“I know street cats often seek shelter underneath cars to escape the sun, but here it was the middle of the street. Thankfully, I was able to pull the kitten out in about five seconds before the traffic light turned green.”

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Anwar, who lives in Tourist Club Area in Abu Dhabi and works for Talabat, said although he doesn’t own a pet, he loves animals.

He also said he’s a responsible rider. “I have never had any road traffic violation.”

Heroic delivery riders

This was not the first time that UAE delivery riders have saved the day for animals stuck on the road. Early this year, three riders turned heroes when they managed to calm down a scared horse that ran through the streets of Dubai.

The agitated horse was seen running across Umm Suqeim Street, but the delivery riders managed to catch the horse by the cheekpiece of its bridle and guided it to safety.

Back in July 2022, several delivery riders saved a kitten that was trapped inside the engine of a parked car. This incident was also captured on video and shared widely.


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