Biden closes in on White House victory, Trump turns to courts

Washington - “Stop the count!” protesters chanted in Detroit. “Stop the steal!” they said in Phoenix.


By Agencies

Published: Fri 6 Nov 2020, 2:59 AM

Last updated: Fri 6 Nov 2020, 3:04 AM

As America failed to decide a winner in the presidential race two days after Election Day, protesters have taken to the street in various cities since Wednesday night. Some protesters demanded that ballot counting be stopped, while others urged that every vote be counted.

In Michigan and Arizona, dozens of supporters of President Donald Trump converged on vote-counting centres as the returns went against him in the two key states on Wednesday.

“Stop the count!” they chanted in Detroit. “Stop the steal!” they said in Phoenix.


Meanwhile, thousands of Joe Biden supporters demanding that officials “count every vote” took to the streets from Philadelphia to Dallas, and beyond. In New York, hundreds paraded past boarded-up luxury stores on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, and in Chicago, demonstrators marched through downtown and along a street across the river from Trump Tower.

Biden, 77, making his third run at the White House, was inching towards victory on Thursday as Trump sought to stave off defeat with scattershot legal challenges.

Biden currently has 253 electoral votes and has a razor-thin lead in Nevada, which has six electoral votes.

Trump, 74, has sizeable leads in Georgia and Pennsylvania but Biden has been making gains as the votes continue to be tallied and his campaign is confident he can overtake the president.

“STOP THE COUNT!” Trump tweeted on Thursday morning.


Trump prematurely declared victory early Wednesday and threatened to seek Supreme Court intervention to stop vote-counting but it has continued nonetheless.

Pennsylvania, Biden’s birthplace, has 20 electoral votes and was considered one of the major prizes in Tuesday’s election.

Georgia, with 16 electoral votes, has been a reliably Republican state but could land in the Democratic column for the first time since Bill Clinton won it in 1992.

Trump won both states in 2016 in carving out his upset victory over Hillary Clinton.

With defeat looming, Trump launched multiple legal challenges on Wednesday, announcing lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania and demanding a recount in Wisconsin, where Biden won by just 20,000 votes.

In Michigan, the campaign filed a suit to halt vote tabulation, saying its “observers” were not allowed to watch at close distances.

And while Trump was demanding that vote-counting be halted in Georgia and Pennsylvania — where he is leading — his supporters were insisting that it continue in Arizona and Nevada — where he is trailing.

In Detroit, a Democratic stronghold that is majority Black, a crowd of mostly-white Trump supporters chanted “Stop the count!” and tried to barge into an election office before being blocked by security.

An aggressive pro-Trump crowd gathered outside a vote counting office in the Arizona county of Maricopa, which includes Phoenix.

The protesters, some of whom were openly carrying firearms, which is legal in the state, chanted “Count the votes!” as law enforcement officers formed a protective line at the facility’s doors.

There were anti-Trump protests overnight in Portland, Oregon, resulting in at least 10 arrests, and businesses in several other major cities have boarded up windows as a precaution.

In stark contrast to Trump’s unprecedented rhetoric about being cheated, Biden has sought to project calm, reaching out to a nation torn by four years of polarizing leadership and traumatized by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We have to stop treating our opponents as enemies,” Biden said Wednesday. “What brings us together as Americans is so much stronger than anything that can tear us apart.”

The head of an international observer mission to the US elections called Trump’s demands that vote-counting be halted a “gross abuse of office” on Thursday.

Michael Link told the German daily Stuttgarter Zeitung that Trump’s false allegations of fraud could pose “a danger that goes far beyond election day.”

“Even if he were to admit defeat and hand over office properly, his supporters, incited by rhetoric, may see violence as a legitimate tool because they no longer feel democratically represented,” said Link, who works for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

Russia’s foreign ministry also voiced fears that a disputed election could lead to unrest.

Russia hopes the United States will be able to elect the next president in “full compliance with the American constitution,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

“And the most important thing is to avoid the occurrence of mass riots in the country,” she added.

The tight White House race and recriminations have evoked memories of the 2000 election between Republican George W Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

That race, which hinged on a handful of votes in Florida, eventually ended up in the Supreme Court, which halted a recount while Bush was ahead.


Published: Fri 6 Nov 2020, 2:59 AM

Last updated: Fri 6 Nov 2020, 3:04 AM

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