14 timeless quotes by Sheikh Mohammed

To mark Sheikh Mohammed's Accession Day, Khaleej Times has compiled 14 quotes of his that have inspired us.

ON LEADERSHIP: “Ruling is not authority or a mere profession ... it is a heavy responsibility to safeguard the interests of our nation and working hard so our people may prosper.”
ON REGIONAL STABILITY: “Comprehensive and equitable peace and the return of the Arab rights is the only way to guarantee stability and security in the region.”
ON INNOVATION: “Human beings, their ideas, innovations, dreams, and connections are the capital of the future. Because where great minds go today, great things will happen tomorrow.”
ON FAMILY: “The greatest influence was my father ... from him I learnt to be patient and to deliberate before passing judgement.”
ON HAPPINESS: “The job of the governments is to create the environment in which people can achieve their happiness. Yes, the government’s job is to achieve happiness.”
ON LIFE AND ITS CHALLENGES: “They say the sky is the limit for ambition. We say: The sky is only the beginning.”
ON PERSISTENCE: “We will continue without halt or rest, for halting is a waste of time.”
ON CHARITY: “Our aid has humanitarian objectives only; it is never governed by politics or limited by the geography, race, colour or religion of the beneficiary. We provide humanitarian capital and are a major relief station for the poor; we do not hesitate to support the brother, the ill-fated friend or the needy wherever they are. This is our message to the world, and this is the United Arab Emirates.”
ON THE IMPOSSIBLE: “Impossible is a word used by some people who fear to dream big.”
ON FAITH: “I constantly persuade all to embrace the spirit of persistence in facing challenges, as well as faith in fulfilling the hardest missions.”
ON WOMEN: “An Emirati woman’s great role in our society is a source of pride. 80 per cent of the employees in my private office are women.”
ON LIFE: “Luck comes to those prepared and failure starts from within.”
ON MONEY: “Money is like water; block its flow and it will stagnate.”
ON NATIONAL INTEREST: “We have never been, or ever will be among those who rest on their laurels; nor those who obsess on their success; nor those who believe that the march forward will continue automatically.”
A Staff Reporter

Published: Sat 4 Jan 2020, 4:16 PM

Last updated: Sun 5 Jan 2020, 7:56 AM

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