Ayush goes global

AYUSH is about to make waves in the Middle East by spreading its wings of care

International AYUSH Conference and Exhibition 2017 brings the healing touch of traditional Indian systems of medicine to Dubai


Published: Mon 14 Aug 2017, 6:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 20 Aug 2017, 2:52 PM

AYUSH which stands for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy is a system of traditional holistic medicine that is extensively practiced in India and is fast gaining popularity the world over.
To support this system of medicine, the Ministry of AYUSH was formed in India on November 9, 2014. The major objective of this move by the current government lead by PM Narendra Modi is to upgrade the educational standards of Indian Systems of Medicines and Homoeopathy colleges, to strengthen existing research institutions and to ensure a time-bound research programme on identified diseases for which these systems have an effective treatment.
The first International AYUSH conference and exhibition will be held at the Dubai World Trade Centre for three days from November 9 to 11. Organised by the Science India Forum UAE and the World Ayurveda Foundation under the patronage of the Consulate General of India, Dubai, the conference will be the first of its kind in the Middle East.
The exhibition is being organised with a noble vision to spread the benefits of AYUSH to the Middle East, Europe, Africa and America. This three-day event will showcase an exhibition and a conference with the theme, "Lifestyle diseases - prevention and management through AYUSH". The exhibition is expected to have over a hundred booths which will introduce AYUSH products and services to the people of this region. The event hopes to attract a large number of physicians, scientists, paramedics and researchers.
In his message, Shripad Naik, Minister of AYUSH, Government of India said: "It is with great pride and pleasure that I look forward to the international AYUSH Conference and Exhibition to be held at Dubai International Conference and Exhibition Centre. I trust this will turn out to be one of the most significant events in the realm of Indian medicine, poised to make waves at the global level."
Extending his full support to the event, Navdeep Suri, Ambassador of India to the UAE said: "This conference will enhance the cooperation between practitioners, NGOs and governments of various countries to promote AYUSH."
Congratulating the efforts of Science India Forum for organising this event, Vipul, Consul General of India in Dubai said that the thought of disseminating the age-old system of medicine for the benefit of the people around the world is commendable.
"The UAE has close relations with India in the field of Culture, Knowledge and Business since time immemorial. I am sure by launching AYUSH's first ever international summit in the UAE, the relationship will be further cemented between the two countries," says Dr. B R Shetty, Chairman, AYUSH Conference and Exhibition organising Committee.
Rich heritage 
AYUSH, a synonym of "life" is about to make waves in the Middle East by spreading its wings of care. This age-old system of medicine, which unites man with nature, is poised to serve humanity in the years to come.
India has a rich heritage of Ayurveda and other herbal medicines. Despite all the comforts that modern technology has given us over the years, life has become more complex and competitive. Diseases are now frequenting at an early age due to stress and distress threatening our very own existence. Lifestyle diseases like diabetes and cholesterol, to name a few, leading to the loss of innumerable lives have become a cause of concern the word over. It is here that Ayurveda "the science of life", which stresses the importance of meditation and Yoga becomes more relevant and applicable.
This treasure of Indian medicine has few side effects unlike allopathic medicines. This practice of holistic healing is based on prevention rather than cure. Curative Ayurveda has mainly eight branches: General Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychology and Psychiatry, E.N.T & Ophthalmology, Surgery, Toxicology, Nutrition and Aphrodisiacs. Ayurveda describes three fundamental energies - movement, transformation, and structure that govern our inner and outer environments. Known in Sanskrit as Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth), these primary forces are responsible for the characteristics of our mind and body.
Ayurveda enhances mental and physical health. It is easy to follow and does not cause any trauma to the mind or body. This powerful system of medicine can undoubtedly bring more life into our lives. Ayurveda has become an inevitable part of modern life. This is evident from the fact that Ayurvedic products have gained more and more acceptance across the globe.
The Unani System of Medicine has an impressive record in India and was introduced by the Arabs around the 11th century. Unani tries to balance the imbalanced principles through lifestyle modification, diet therapy, internal medicine and regimental therapy, which is popularly known as Hijama or wet cupping.
Discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor, Homeopathy treats the patient with highly diluted substances with the aim of triggering the body's natural system of healing. In India, homeopathy has become a household name due the safety of its pills and gentleness of its cure.
- supplements@khaleejtimes.com

Shripad Naik, Minister of AYUSH, Government of India
Dr. B. R. Shetty, Chairman, AYUSH Conference and Exhibition Organising Committee
Navdeep Singh Suri, Indian Ambassador to the UAE
Vipul, Consul General of India to Dubai

Published: Mon 14 Aug 2017, 6:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 20 Aug 2017, 2:52 PM

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