DTC adjusts taximeters to cope with fuel costs

DUBAI — The next time you step into a taxi, watch out for the meter as it has probably been adjusted to show a higher fare. This is a smart move by the Dubai Transport Corporation (DTC) to beat the increase in petrol prices instead of hiking fares that may be unpalatable to people.


Asma Ali Zain

Published: Wed 7 Sep 2005, 10:15 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 9:12 PM

The taxi meters have been adjusted instead of increasing the fares, confirmed sources yesterday.

With an adjustment in the taximeters, people would pay up more for a lesser distance travelled. Speaking to your favourite No. 1 newspaper, Khaleej Times, a source confirmed that all franchisee taxi companies operating under the umbrella of Dubai Transport had been issued letters from the corporation regarding adjustment of the meters with immediate effect. Explaining the ‘adjustment’ required from the Dubai Transport, the source said, “For example, if a taxi runs at 1,000 metres for a pre-fixed fare, it will now run only 900 metres in the same fare.”

“This means that an extra charge will be levied after every 900 metres (for example) instead of the earlier 1,000 metres,” the source said, refusing to give details about the exact changes made by the corporation. The source also said that the changes made would not affect their profits.

Refusing to comment on the meter adjustments, the General Manager of Metro Taxi, Abu Ammar said, “We work under the umbrella of DTC, and any news regarding such adjustments should be confirmed by them. I refuse to accept or refute any such news.” Dubai Transport officials were unavailable for comment.

Earlier, Khaleej Times had reported DTC officials as saying that no decision had been taken as yet regarding the increase in fares, but could be expected in the near future.

Meanwhile, reacting to the news, several frequent taxi travellers opined that the whole exercise was a mere eyewash. “Increasing the fare or adjusting the meter is all the same. In the end, it is the travellers who end up being fleeced. If the corporation thinks that people will be fooled by this step, they are mistaken because when people pay up, they also check the distance travelled,” said M. Karim.

Asma Ali Zain

Published: Wed 7 Sep 2005, 10:15 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 9:12 PM

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