Faith incomplete without ethics, says scholar

Saudi scholar Sheikh Saad bin Ateeg Al Ateeg lectures on good manners at Quran award function.


Published: Tue 8 Jul 2014, 12:24 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 9:44 PM

A man without good manners, even if he prays and performs all rituals, is like a barren land and verily a loser in life and Hereafter. A true Muslim is a source of mercy and happiness to all creatures.

This was affirmed by eminent Saudi scholar Sheikh Saad bin Ateeg Al Ateeg in the concluding lectures of the cultural programme of the Dubai International Holy Quran Award (Dihqa) at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Friday night.

Quoting virtues of good manners as seen in various hadiths, Sheikh Ateeg said on the Day of Judgment nothing will be weightier on the scale of deeds than one’s good manners.

“Morals are rather important than the fundamental pillars of Islam such as prayers (salat), fasting, zakat, and pilgrimage as Islam considers misbehaviour as corruption against man’s soul, for good manners suit the natural righteousness of man, while bad manners are anti-Islam.

Elaborating about the good disposition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Sheikh Ateeg said the Prophet (Peace be upon him), who was a living example of the holy Quran, said people would mostly enter paradise due to good manners. “A faith is incomplete without ethics.”

“The closest to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and the high rankers of Paradise on the Day of Judgment will be the well-mannered faithful.” He said as Muslims, we should follow Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in order to become amongst the best of Muslims with the best possible manners and move closer to God who has promised a permanent resting abode in Paradise for such people.

He said, even the enemies of the Prophet could not help admitting that he was the most truthful and trustworthy. They even used to keep their precious items in the Prophet’s custody when travelling abroad because of his honesty.

Explaining, he said all worships, prayer for instance, are for one’s own benefit while morals are what people ‘smell’ from you. “We are never talking about business-based manners which are meant for a worldly interest but the sincere ones for God’s sake.”

No matter how bad one’s manners are, they can be improved and it is only with ethics we can reach and touch people’s hearts.”

Indicating, he said the holy month of Ramadan is a time to be at your best and spread goodness. You can gain rewards by spending more time with your parents, visiting relatives, helping anyone in need whether it is through charity or by helping take care of someone’s problems. The fasting person is like a fragrant rose; his pleasantness is sensed by and extended to those around him.

Sheikh Ateeg said the Prophet (Peace be upon him), who was mainly sent to guide man and jinn to the ultimate morals, said the best of people is the best mannered. “A true Muslim is a source of mercy and happiness to all creatures not only humans.

The Prophet, who was the most tolerant and merciful, never took revenge, blamed or shouted at a domestic helper, or beat up anyone – old or young. “Children’s lisping, bed wetting, and lack of self-confidence are due to parents’ bad manners. “Having mercy on others, pardoning, forgiving, and giving them are of the most ideal ethics while shame is on whosoever bad to his or her parents, particularly when they grow weak and old,” Sheikh Ateeg said.

Meanwhile, two more lectures are scheduled for women only at the Dubai Women Association in Hamriya area, on July 7 and 10, while the open lectures for foreign communities shall start at the Reform Association, Al Twar area, from July 9 to 19. These seven lectures will be delivered in Bengali, Malayalam and Tamil languages at 10.30pm after the Taraweeh prayers.

Published: Tue 8 Jul 2014, 12:24 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 9:44 PM

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