Herbal drugs: sting in the tail?

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Herbal drugs: sting in the tail?

Studies found that a number of herbal drugs contained active pharmaceutical ingredients and banned substances that can lead to health complications


Asma Ali Zain

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Published: Sat 22 May 2010, 8:27 AM

Last updated: Mon 6 Apr 2015, 3:44 PM

Think twice if you consider herbal medicines as safer and cheaper alternatives, warn experts.

Though herbal medicines are generally considered safer alternatives to allopathic medicine, prolonged use may lead to complications, experts say.

At the root of it

It is just that the word ‘herbal’ has such a gentle sound to it. Like Merlin the magician or Getafix from Asterix was happily plucking herbs in a forest and then making this magic potion that we all drink and cheerfully wave our ills away. In recent times, herbal meds had taken such a quantum leap forward that allopathic doctors were beginning to feel beleagured, as if their battle had become a lost cause.

While traditional herbal medicines based on the kitchen and grandmother’s home remedies do very little harm and have stood the test of time these days the deluge of exotic roots and fruits has made herbal treatment a little worrying. Just like with standard medicine we now have the snake oil merchants and no one knows what they are up to.

Here are 5 suggestions that you might like to keep in mind.

Herbal teas are largely diuretics so be careful you are not dehydrated

Do not purchase expensive liquids that promise a life changing experience

Check the ingredients of any mix, powder or piece that has medicinal properties before you have it.

Be wary before applying herbal cosmetics on your face and body.

Do not listen to the ‘miracle’ stories from friends, check all meds with your personal doctor.

Research has revealed that many may contain ingredients such as arsenic, lead and mercury that are harmful to health.

Studies carried out in the UAE have found that a number of herbal drugs contain active pharmaceutical ingredients and banned substances that can lead to neurological and psychological problems and sometimes death.

Though herbal drugs are used to treat a number of ailments including diabetes, cancer and arthritis, the drugs are especially popular for weight loss, erectile dysfunctions and as dietary supplements.

“A recent study done in the US revealed that 67 per cent of the herbal medicines imported from India contained toxic elements that were harmful to health,” said Dr Sulaiman El Sharif from the University ofSharjah during a recently organised seminar on herbal medicines. Similar studies are being conducted in the UAE as well after the ministry received reports on adverse drug reactions.

Dr Mohammed Kamil from Zayed Complex for Herbal Research and Traditional Medicine says, “Since the incidence of obesity is high in the UAE, it was critical for us to study the counterfeit herbal medicines for weight loss available in the market.” Analysis of the samples revealed astonishing facts including usage ofcontrolled pharmaceutical ingredients in medicines that should be completely derived from plants.

“The quality control laboratory analysis of a dozen of market samples found that they contained undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients such as sibutramine (a controlled substance),” explains Dr Kamil.

Other ingredients included rimonabant (a drug banned in the US) and some other synthetic drugs. According to Dr Kamil, the US Food and Drug Authority in 2007 voted not to recommend approval of the drug because of the increased risk of neurological and psychiatric side effects including seizures, depression, anxiety, insomnia, aggressiveness, and suicidal thoughtsamong patients.

He also says that in June 2008, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency of the United Kingdom linked rimonabant to five deaths and 720 adverse reactions over the past two years.

“On the other hand, sibutramine is a controlled substance and the active pharmaceutical ingredient in an approved prescription drug to treat obesity,” he says.

“Taking more than three times the recommended daily dosage of sibutramine may cause increased blood pressure, tachycardia, palpitations and seizure,” he adds.

Besides, herbal drugs for diabetes tested in the laboratory were found to contain a number of prescription-only anti-diabetic drugs.

Other adulterated medicines included those for erectile dysfunction and arthritis.

“We also found that herbal analgesics are adulterated with paracetamol, whereas the cholesterol lowering herbal drugs are admixed with statins,” he reveals. Dr Kamil further says that since the banned substances are not included in the list of ingredients, physicians or pharmacists are unable to advise patients on the associated risks.

The complex which is a division of the Public Health & Policy, Health Authority Abu Dhabi, is currently surveying herbal weight loss drugs and dietary supplements in the UAE with special reference to Abu Dhabi market.

“The findings will help consumers, health care practitioners, and the general public understand the complex’s action regarding weight loss products contaminated with various prescription drugs and chemicals,” he adds.

A senior official from the UAE Ministry of Health says that people should exercise caution while using any medicine.

“People have a misconception that herbal drugs are safe. This is not true,” said Dr Amin Al Amiri, Executive Director for Medical Practice and Licensing at the ministry.

“We have banned a number of drugs from the markets after receiving reports on the adverse reactions,” he added.

People with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history are more likely to develop kidney disease. The purpose of kidneys is to clean your blood of the waste products created by metabolism like urea and creatinine. It also helps control the amount of certain chemicals in the body such as sodium, phosphorous and potassium.

However, when kidneys are diseased, they slowly stop doing these jobs. If not treated, kidney diseases can lead to kidney failure. When that happens, dialysis (artificial kidney) or kidney transplant are the only options that can keep a person alive.

Kidney disease is a silent problem that can become kidney failure with little or no warning. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family member with kidney disease, the doctor will ask you about your health, lifestyle change, in quantity or quality of urine including passage of blood or recurrent urinary tract infections. He will also conduct a physical exam looking for any swelling of feet or rashes or joint problems, and order blood tests for early signs of kidney disease.

Acute renal failure is a temporary condition in which kidney function declines rapidly. The kidneys become unable to remove the waste from the body.

Signs and symptoms may include decreased urine output (most of the times), shortness of breath, drowsiness, fatigue, confusion, seizure or coma. With prompt diagnosis and right treatment, kidney functions are fully recovered over 2-3 weeks period.

Chronic renal failure usually develops slowly over months or years. Creatinine will become abnormal only when kidney has lost 50 per cent of its functions, so late detection is common. Signs and symptoms may include high blood pressure, loss of appetite, passing urine at night, swelling of feet, anaemia, nausea and vomiting, itching, yellowish or brownish cast to the skin.

Dr Alind Kumar and Dr Kareem Mohammed, are Specialist Nephrologists at Zulekha Hospital

Are you at risk?


Do you have diabetes?


Do you have high blood pressure?


Did your mother, father, sister, or brother ever have kidney diseases or failure?


Has a doctor ever told you that you had protein or blood in your urine?


Do you routinely and frequently take painkillers?


Any previous history of kidney stone disease


Any history of recurrent urinary infections especially in females


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are at risk for kidney disease

Practices that help prevent kidney disease


Protect yourself from diabetes and high blood pressure (choose a healthy life style)


Maintain a healthy weight


Eat a balanced and nutritious diet


Keep physically active. Exercise regularly


Stop smoking


Know the warning signs of kidney diseases


Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider

Hot dogs, hamburgers hard on the heart

By Julie Steenhuysen (Reuters)

Eating bacon, sausage, hot dogs and other processed meats can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that identifies the real bad boys of the meat counter.

Eating unprocessed beef or lamb appeared not to raise risks of heart attacks and diabetes, they said, suggesting that salt and chemical preservatives may be the real cause of these two health problems associated with eating meat.

The study, an analysis of other research called a meta-analysis, did not look at high blood pressure or cancer, which are also linked with high meat consumption.

“To lower risk of heart attacks and diabetes, people should consider which types of meats they are eating,” said Renata Micha of the Harvard School of Public Health, whose study appears in the journal Circulation.

“Processed meats such as bacon, salami, sausages, hot dogs and processed deli meats may be the most important to avoid,” Micha said in a statement.

Based on her findings, she said people who eat one serving per week or less of processed meats have less of a risk.

The American Meat Institute objected to the findings, saying it was only one study and that it stands in contrast to other studies and the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

“At best, this hypothesis merits further study. It is certainly no reason for dietary changes,” James Hodges, president of the American Meat Institute, said in a statement.

Most dietary guidelines recommend eating less meat. Individual studies looking at relationships between eating meat and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have had mixed results.

But studies rarely look for differences in risk between processed and unprocessed red meats, Micha said.

She and colleagues did a systematic review of nearly 1,600 studies from around the world looking for evidence of a link between eating processed and unprocessed red meat and the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

They defined processed meat as any meat preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or with the addition of chemical preservatives. Meats in this category included bacon, salami, sausages, hot dogs or processed deli or luncheon meats.

Unprocessed red meat included beef, lamb or but not poultry.

They found that on average, each 1.8 oz (50 grams) daily serving of processed meat a day — one to two slices of deli meats or one hot dog — was associated with a 42 per cent higher risk of heart disease and a 19 percent higher risk of developing diabetes.

They found no higher heart or diabetes risk in people who ate only unprocessed red meats.

The team adjusted for a number of factors, including how much meat people ate. They said lifestyle factors were similar between those who ate processed and unprocessed meats.

“When we looked at average nutrients in unprocessed red and processed meats eaten in the United States, we found that they contained similar average amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol,” Micha said.

“In contrast, processed meats contained, on average, four times more sodium and 50 percent more nitrate preservatives,” Micha added.

Last month, the Institute of Medicine urged the US Food and Drug Administration to regulate the amount of salt added to foods to help Americans cut their high sodium intake.

The FDA has not yet said wh ther it will regulate salt in foods, but it is looking at the issue.

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