MoE reschedules first semester examination

DUBAI — The Ministry of Education decided to consider Thursdays during the first semester exams of all grades as a day off like normal Thursdays, contrary to what happened in the previous years.


By Mohsen Rashid

Published: Wed 16 Nov 2005, 10:02 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 8:38 PM

Previously, offs were cancelled on Thursdays during exam time, as the exams were also scheduled on Thursdays. Now, by applying this decision of letting Thursdays remain holidays even during exam time, all educational zones will face a problem in rescheduling the exams according to the current academic year’s calendar.

It was decided that the secondary stage exams will be from December 19 to January 3, which means they will take place for 11 days with 13 examination papers. Hence, it was decided to combine Arabic language papers — the first and the second — on the same day in two sessions, and so too the English language papers, after it was scheduled previously on two separate days.

As regards Grade VI to IX, it was seen that the number of subjects were more than the days of examination, so the ministry has asked all educational zones to schedule two subjects per day when setting the time-table. For instance, history and geography, or two science subjects can be scheduled on the same day.

It was noticed that the re-tests also face the same problem, as the exams are scheduled for five days only for grades IV to IX, while the subjects are eight. Besides, for grades X and XI, it was decided to hold exams for eight days while the number of subjects is 11, including Arabic and English, each subject having two papers. So, the time-table of the re-tests will indicate Thursdays as offs in both government and private schools, an official source in the Ministry of Education mentioned.

Mohsen Rashid

Published: Wed 16 Nov 2005, 10:02 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 8:38 PM

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