No parleys with India sans Kashmir issue, says Sartaj

Sartaj Aziz talking to the media in islamabad on Monday.

Kashmir tops the list of outstanding issues between two neighbours


By Agencies

Published: Mon 13 Jul 2015, 4:34 PM

Last updated: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 12:26 AM

Islamabad - Days after efforts Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Indian Premier Narendra Modi met in Russian city of Ufa, a top official from Islamabad has said no dialogue process will take place with India unless Kashmir issue is included in it.
Sharif came under fire from the opposition parties at home for allegedly not raising the crucial Kashmir issue at the meeting with Modi.
Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz said on Monday that the joint statement issued after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's meeting with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi in Ufa, recognises the need to discuss all outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
"We all know what those outstanding issues are," Sartaj told the media representatives here. "Kashmir of course tops the list of outstanding issues, but there are other important issues like Siachen, Sir Creek, water and (Indian) interference in Pakistan."
He further said that Kashmiris have suffered for three generations.
Sartaj said: "Their right to self-determine their destiny has not been granted. Pakistan has stood by Kashmiris in their legitimate struggle. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif affirmed our principled position in clear and unequivocal terms during his annual speech at the UN General Assembly. We would continue to extend political, moral, and diplomatic support to our Kashmiri brethren."
The meeting between Sharif and Modi also provided an opportunity to identify areas in which the two countries could promote more cooperation in order to reduce hostility, Sartaj said.
"Peace and tranquility on the Line of Control (LoC) and Working Boundary is in the interest of both countries," Sartaj said.
"Even though currently ceasefire is by and large being maintained, there have been occasions when this ceasefire was violated causing casualties and injuries to people inhabiting those areas." He said that Sharif had told Modi during their meeting in Ufa that more information is required to conclude the 26/11 Mumbai attacks trial. Sartaj said that the reference to 'additional information' is a recognition of the need for information which is required in order to expedite the trial.
During the meeting with Modi, he said, Sharif also sought information on the progress made on the Samjhota Express trial.
"July 10, 2015 was a very important day in the diplomatic history of Pakistan," said the adviser.
Sartaj said Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took a unanimous formal decision to admit Pakistan (and India) into its fold.
"The process has been launched and after formalities are completed like ratification of SCO documents, Pakistan will become a full fledged member of the SCO."
Sartaj reiterated that the meeting between Sharif and Modi, which was held upon the Indian premier's request, was cordial and both leaders shared a vision of having peaceful, neighbourly relations between Pakistan and India in order to create the necessary space in which both countries can focus on the economic welfare of their people. - Agencies


Published: Mon 13 Jul 2015, 4:34 PM

Last updated: Tue 14 Jul 2015, 12:26 AM

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