Pak senator outlines country's challenges

DUBAI - Pakistan's National Security Council (NSC) is a necessity, but it should not be run by the parliament, said Senator S.M. Zafar during a talk on "The Changing Landscape of Politics in Pakistan."


Asma Ali Zain

Published: Wed 26 May 2004, 9:39 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 11:31 AM

"All the world's nuclear powers, including the US, France, China and now India, have different forms of the NSC but these councils only play a role in security issues," the senator pointed out during the talk arranged by the Pakistan Professionals Forum on Monday.

Speaking about the failure of democracy in Pakistan, Senator Zafar said: "For 56 years, our existence has been threatened due to the presence of our overpowering neighbour which has given rise to military rule in the country. In this case, the existence of a country is more important than the presence of democracy," he argued.

Elaborating, Senator Zafar said: "We are a democratic community but we only lack the technology. Pakistan has suffered due to lack of dialogue." He also said that it was the first time in the history of Pakistan that the 'No-LFO, Yes-LFO' had been solved through negotiations. "This shows that we are in a transitory stage," he added.

Speaking on the new challenges faced by Pakistan after 9/11, Senator Zafar said that the country was fortunate to have had more opportunities for growth after the incidence. "Pakistan was vulnerable because it was a Muslim country, because of its neighbours, such as Afghanistan, and because it was a nuke power," he said.

"In this context, several decisions had to be taken, most important of which was the joining of hands with the international community against terrorism," he said. "I am proud to say that Pakistan is the only Islamic country that has taken a stand against every issue and on every forum," he said.

He said that there has always been a 'Clash of Civilisations' between the Muslim world and the West especially on gender issue, on democracy, liberalisation and freedom of an individual. "The scenario is changing as a large section of women is active in the political scene in Pakistan," he added.

Speaking about the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) unification, Senator Zafar said: "It is because of dialogue that all the factions of PML have united to become PML alone." Senator Zafar had presented a three-point draft resolution or the 'S M Zafar formula' before the general councils to seek the endorsement of PML factions. Senator Zafar also agreed that the re-deportation of Shahbaz Sharif to Saudi Arabia was done according to a deal. “He should have been allowed and tried in the courts," he said. Senator Zafar is an eminent lawyer who has authored several book.

Asma Ali Zain

Published: Wed 26 May 2004, 9:39 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 11:31 AM

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