Pay and transact on your smart phone

Subroto Som, Executive Vice President, Head of Mashreq Retail Banking group

Mashreq customers to get faster, simpler and more secure payments with google pay Mashreq customers to get faster, simpler and more secure payments with google pay


Published: Tue 27 Nov 2018, 1:06 PM

Last updated: Tue 27 Nov 2018, 3:09 PM

The UAE is at the forefront of a steady journey towards a cashless society. Mashreq continues to lead in this pursuit by adding innovative payment methods on a consistent basis for its customers and merchant partners. The latest is the introduction of Google Pay for Mashreq Credit and Debit card customers.
With the new payment app, Android users (Android 5+ phones) can simply add their supported Mastercard or Visa cards issued by Mashreq to their Google Pay app. They only need to wake the phone screen up and tap it to the contactless terminal via Near Field Communication (NFC).
Pankaj Kundra, Senior Vice President and Head of Payments at Mashreq Bank, said: "Google Pay simplifies and speeds-up everyday transactions, bringing us closer to becoming a cashless society. UAE customers are increasingly exhibiting a strong appetite for smart digital and contactless payments. At Mashreq, we are committed to bringing the latest payment methods to our customers in line with their changing needs and expectations. With such a strong track record of launching various digital wallets in the UAE, our customers know that with Mashreq they will have early access to the innovative payment solutions."
Executive Vice President, Head of Mashreq Retail Banking group, Subroto Som, said: "The last 12 months have seen Mashreq invest in a dazzling array of digital payment technology, all aimed at simplifying the experience for our customers. 
Transactions via digital wallets at Mashreq are increasing steadily, with the bank experiencing an 80 per cent growth in the last six months across all online payment methods - an average of eight transactions per active customer. 
Subroto is proud to acknowledge the fact, "We are the only bank with the capability to accept such a diverse range of digital payments, and this leadership enables us to help the UAE realise its vision of being a truly smart society."
As the UAE continues its journey towards becoming one of the world's smartest economies, the coming digital revolution is expected to be the catalyst that changes how people approach their work and leisure time. This will be particularly true for the banking sector, as individuals have already begun to demand fast, convenient and secure applications that simplify banking.
Consumers' lifestyles are changing at an unprecedented pace, and there is a large and growing appetite for digital services. Whether it's to shop, order food, pay bills or bank, the modern customer demands the convenience of doing so at the click of a button.
Consumers are seeking speed and convenience as well as tailored advice, and they are also demanding it on their own terms. As the digital future becomes reality, the one-size-fits-all approach in banking will no longer be viable; It won't be enough to simply try and attract customers with nice-looking apps.          
Subroto concludes: "We expect the appetite for digital wallets to continue to grow in popularity over the next few years as customers increasingly value the convenience, speed and benefits of making digital payments ahead of using cash or plastic cards.
"There is a clear recognition that using technology to give customers a better, more relevant experience is differentiating us from our competitors.  Our customers are choosing digital payments ahead of more conventional means, and this approach will in time transform the nation."
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Published: Tue 27 Nov 2018, 1:06 PM

Last updated: Tue 27 Nov 2018, 3:09 PM

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