Scaling new heights of success

The policy of the UAE is to harness an environment, which is trade and tourism-oriented, and acts as an exemplary model for good governance.

The UAE has a vision and is bound to emerge as the global destination for finance and innovation


By Ishtiaq Ali Mehkri

Published: Wed 30 Nov 2016, 11:56 AM

Last updated: Tue 13 Dec 2016, 3:41 PM

The UAE goes from strength to strength as it turns 45. It has a vision to follow and a choreographed path to scale new heights of success. No country in the world is lucky enough as the UAE, as it has a leadership that thinks beyond the current age, and has a policy for everybody on its soil and for the next generation, alike.
This is why more than 200 nationalities are proud to call the UAE their second home. The emirates is today one of the most sought-after destinations, and is undoubtedly the hub for trade, travel and tourism. But that is not an end to its success story.
The forward-looking leadership of the country has plans for the future - and the destiny is to make the UAE second to none in the world, which is why it is investing massively in human capital, as well as infrastructure and technology. Digitalisation is the way to go in the UAE, and the future is one of smart cities and smart apps. The country's administration database, economy and communications are e-applicable, and its services are just a click away. This is good governance at its best.
The reason behind this great stride into excellence is that the UAE believes in realism and has a trust in its people. Likewise, the people regard the leadership in high esteem and are assured that they are bound to get the best - and taken care of. This is why, time and again, the UAE has proved that it is business-friendly, and has never been unresponsive to the sentiments of growth and excellence. It has been on the roll for providing incentives to the private sector aimed at boosting investments as well as developing the services sector. 
The government's priority is to invest in essential services with the aim of bolstering growth and productivity. And this has worked wonders. This is evident from the appreciation it has received at home and abroad. The policy of the UAE is to harness an environment, which is trade and tourism-oriented, and acts as an exemplary model for good governance. 
This is the reason, Dubai and the UAE has stood fast in times of global recession; there was no looking back. Dubai, whose hallmark was investment in real estate and a flourishing tourism sector, is at the top.
The World Economic Forum recently recognised the UAE as 26th in worldwide ranking. The decision to opt for e-commerce and e-government has helped the country lead in good governance. This is what is lacking in many of the developed countries, even to this day. The responsive nature of the leadership makes the difference here.
The UAE offers a secure and reliable base for big-ticket businesses, tourism and investment. Technological advancement is key to the potential behind growth that acts as a catalyst. Development of infrastructure, import of latest technology and grooming of appropriate talent remains the UAE's priority, as it looks up to land on the Red Planet, Mars in 2021. 
Likewise, the UAE believes in investing in research and development. It shares its belief with regional countries, and wants them to be part of its success story. This is why the UAE's Arab fraternity and a peaceful foreign policy are lauded at the international level.
At the local level, red-tapism has no place in the UAE. It advocates transparency and wants to broaden its private-public sector cooperation to the maxim, and that too, on a secure and viable format. The hosting of Expo 2020 is a case in point. It is a step towards pride and perfection. The UAE believes in evolution, and is society-centric when it comes to development. 
Last but not the least, the UAE believes in pragmatism, and intends to build a pluralistic society. There is an equal opportunity for all. There is no gender bias. The aim is to become one of the world's top 25 countries for gender equality by the year 2021. Few other landmarks that the UAE has marked for itself are implementing the National Agenda on Sustainable Development, in an attempt to make the UAE the indispensable capital for global economy and hospitality. A strong and safe Union, knowledgeable and innovative Emiratis, and a competitive and resilient economy are UAE's indispensable strengths. There is no denying that the UAE has a bright and prosperous tomorrow.

Ishtiaq Ali Mehkri

Published: Wed 30 Nov 2016, 11:56 AM

Last updated: Tue 13 Dec 2016, 3:41 PM

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