Spirit of the nation

We speak to Dubai residents about their thoughts on Pakistan Independence Day and how they will be celebrating the occasion


Published: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 11:48 AM

Last updated: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 2:14 PM

Esprit de corps
Despite all the challenges the country had to face over the years, Pakistan has one great quality that it unites in the time of crisis and danger. This is what makes our nation a country of peace, love and harmony. And this day is a dedication to the spirit of our forefathers who fought for our freedom. Happy Independence Day, Pakistan!
Abdul Moiz
United in joy
Pakistan's Independence Day is a day to celebrate true freedom and liberty. It is a day to honour the great sacrifices of our forefathers who went to great lengths to secure our rights for freedom of speech and religion. I truly miss the wonderful celebrations back home and I am proud of how the country has progressed in the last couple of years. Long live Pakistan!
Hassan Ansari
Warmth of togetherness
Pakistan's Independence Day is not only the day when our nation was granted its liberty, through the selfless sacrifices of our forefathers, it also marks the beginning of the association and unification among beautiful cultures and traditions. On this day, we should remember what it means to be a Pakistani and vow to embrace the motto of our country - unity, discipline and faith.
Ali Jamil
Longing for outdoor celebrations
As the month of August arrives, I revive all those stories I've been told since childhood about my grandparents and their parents struggling to find a Muslim brotherhood. On this day, I celebrate this victory of independence with my family, wandering streets of Dubai with the Pakistani flag attached to our car. What I miss the most about my country on this day is how enthusiastic people are to decorate the streets and houses, making it a truly joyous occasion.
Mariam Nasir
A special day
Pakistan's Independence Day is when the nation as a whole should reflect on the past built by our founding fathers, and learn from them as to how we need to carry the torch and work towards fulfilling those hopes and aspirations. Back home, our whole family used to get together and take part in fun activities that would make the day extra special.
Mohammed Faisal
Red letter day
I am proud of being a Pakistani national and on this day it is important to reflect on the great strides made as a nation. This day reminds me of the patriotic vibe that fills the streets back home. It is definitely a landmark day for each and every Pakistani.
Jamila Baksh
Rug of admiration
Being far from Pakistan has made me more aware of the importance of this day and I have learnt to love and respect my country more. And as nationals abroad, it's our responsibility to cherish the day and feel proud about Pakistan and its achievements.
Fatima Aman

Published: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 11:48 AM

Last updated: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 2:14 PM

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