Star Talk

For the week ending February 27

By Milton Black

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Published: Fri 28 Feb 2014, 1:03 PM

Last updated: Fri 3 Apr 2015, 7:20 PM

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Your interests in neighbours and relatives may take up much of your time. Short journeys and trips will keep you busy as you develop stronger social ties with others. You will be extremely active both mentally and socially and some will find much pleasure in intellectual activities. Physical thrills and excitement have a strong appeal to you now. This is a good week for expressing yourself to others, as you’ll be able to do it without causing a ruckus. If you have a great deal of say-so, working together as a team should go smoothly now — that is, if your partner can keep up with your tremendous energy. Deep romantic feelings are prominent now and emotional expression will be strong; watch possessiveness in relationships.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Attend to legal matters or personal interests with confidence. You may find yourself involved in behind-the-scenes activities or sorting out a few puzzles that have been bothering you for some time. Money attracts to you through new job or business opportunities. Outdoor interests will put you on a winning streak and a trip away does wonders for your personal relationships. Others may cause you emotional stress and you will be under tremendous pressure in everything you do. Lots of important correspondence will keep you busy, so expect to have a mentally tiresome time. Your mind turns to new creative directions and new ideas capture your imagination.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Others will now see a more positive side to your personality. Your interest in the metaphysical, spiritual or occult will intensify as you try to learn more about yourself. There are changes going on within you, though you may not be fully aware of them for a while. You are in fine fettle and this is an excellent time to begin any sort of self-improvement programme. Positive changes will occur in your life, especially if you go after them. Start new projects, change your job or seek new opportunities; don’t hesitate to show your skills. You will be concerned how to implement your ideals. Business opportunities await you; don’t let them pass you by.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Be careful to see people and ideals as they are, not as you would like them to be. Your inventive ideas about how to attain personal goals will be stimulated by your partner’s input. You will have a strong desire for action in everything you do and you may meet with resistance from those who may be jealous of your success. Your attitude is more like enjoying yourself than working. You are seeking new people, experience and environments. With groups, you may become the leader in order to push through new policies and ideas. Changes in your home life may surprise your family and friends, as you seem to be more impulsive with your decisions.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

You may find yourself drifting in daydreams, unable to marshal enough ambition to do much of anything. If so, enjoy yourself; we all need recharging in never-never-land once in a while. Do your own thing and keep ahead of the opposition. Your sense of reality is somewhat weakened by your sense of beauty. Dream on, and save practical planning for later. You feel pleasantly lazy and content and are happy to stay home and leave windmill tilting to others. You are in an affectionate and social mood and want to be with family and familiar surroundings. The focus this week will be on domestic affairs, family, career and joint finances. Party invitations will have you in a great mood.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Disputes, quarrels, difficulties and annoyance will be caused by people trying to take liberties and advantage of you. Stand your ground and say what is on your mind. You may receive a flood of information or a spate of news concerning new prospects, home affairs and contracts. Travel is excellent this week; be prepared to journey at short notice. Power and success is yours for the taking. Even though your efforts may run into considerable resistance from others, your social standing will not be affected in any way. Stand up for what you believe is right — but first make sure you are right. Finances receive a nice boost or you may be offered a good price for property. Romance scores well and you may feel over the moon.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Your health will improve, together with greater self-confidence, in your daily affairs. You are entering a positive cycle and many happy and wonderful surprises are in store for you. Entertainment through fraternal groups, clubs and societies will attract you or your partner. Music, concerts or drama may take your interest. You may be given a responsible position of authority and any nagging doubts about your ability to proceed should be resolved as soon as possible. Expect big things to happen with employment, home, family and finances. You could not pick a better time to pursue your personal and private plans or make positive arrangements concerning your future security. Children feature in your week and you may be proud of their achievements.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Frustration will only bring out the worst in you. Personal beauty is important as you seek to make yourself as attractive and youthful as possible. There is an innate sense of value of material objects; make sure you purchase lasting quality in your business dealings. Pay more attention to creative enterprises and you may turn a hobby into a profitable concern. In matters to do with business and personal aims, your mind will be extremely active, resourceful and quick in thought and action and consequently you can expect many changes to influence your life or career. You are likely to have new pressures placed upon you through people of importance. It would be well for you to follow your intuition and hunches this week.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Making up your mind when purchasing goods will be difficult this week. You may spend more than you originally planned. Someone very special to you will make contact, send you a gift, or will be remembered in some way. Your expertise will be appreciated by many as you strive to make a great impression upon them. You may consider a change of residence or lending a hand to a neighbour or friend who will be shifting personal belongings or changing residence. If you are not on your guard, you may get roped into a community project that takes up valuable time you can ill afford. Be practical in all your dealings this week. Avoid the tendency to substitute these things by over-indulging in luxury, good food and opulence in general.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

In regard to changes and opportunities, you are likely to be put in front of others this week to show your managerial skills. It may bring you much anxiety over money matters at the commencement, but the changes will be in your favour in the long run. You seem to be enterprising and original in whatever you engage in, so avoid becoming impetuous and headstrong in your actions. Develop patience in all your activities and give yourself more time to think out your plans. If you are over-optimistic, too hopeful and rebel against delays and difficulties that you have to meet, you could face small losses. Domestic and family matters are likely to dominate. Important changes may now take place concerning your family circle.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You may have a restless, wilful tendency to break with old patterns and traditional values. Keep a low profile with your career as you may shoot yourself in the foot with a statement. Travel may be in store for you or you may be in touch with someone very special to you who is far away and also thinking of you. Don’t be surprised if you meet up with someone from your past that you were once suspicious of for some reason, but no longer have need for those feelings. This is a time of great activity in your life, when you will work very hard to further your own interests and assert yourself amongst others in every possible way. Your biggest dilemma will be to choose between overindulging and compromise.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

This is a time for meeting people and discussing subject matter that is important to you and your future security. Examine all new ideas as to their practicability. Some small delays are indicated with work and home matters, but they should not be hard to handle. Associates will be more understanding and sympathetic of the personal problems that you have had to cope with recently. Something very private or personal that may have had you in a temporary phobia or created a mystery for you may still leave you wondering. If you see opportunities for new personal or business developments, don’t stop to think about it — “action” is your key word this week. Finances are on a positive wave for loans and credit. Signing legal documents could work to your advantage.

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