For the week ending APRIL 25


By Milton Black

Published: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 10:58 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 8:33 PM

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

This cycle provides you with many new speculative changes and opportunities. You may find luck in the most unexpected places, shopping centres, malls and plazas, art galleries, hotels and restaurants; you seem to be at the right place at the right time. Buying and selling is profitable, something speculative may net you a dollar or two or you could be quite lucky in sweepstakes games. An excellent period to communicate your feelings of love and affection, turn over a new leaf, or spoil someone special. A big effort may be required on your part in a flagging relationship, you can help turn it around and indeed cement it permanently. You may decide to start a new compatible partnership. Traffic may be indecisive, and delays will make you impatient.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

A short trip could give you an illuminating perspective on people and important situations and increased personal energy and action will get you where you want to go. Gains can be made through advertising your services or taking up a new position of authority. A few financial surprises are in store, you are now about to embark on a new exciting adventure, change of direction that may increase your overall material security. Think big in everything you do, others will take notice of your determination. Negotiations with people of importance may win you many new advantages and you may receive an unexpected extra income or be offered a chance of a lifetime. Sudden changes in your emotional life could trigger a compulsion reaction that is ungracious and unwise.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Many new interests and friendships can be expected or you may renew old acquaintances through social reunions. Entertainment, social activities, recreation and things you really enjoy, may prove more than you can afford at present, so avoid being too open and generous around others. Your financial affairs may require a reshuffle and care should be taken with speculation, you could overestimate your luck. Your mind may be more inquisitive that usual and a special interest may be shown in hobbies, collecting antiques, art or music. A little psychological know how will do wonders for your lover’s ego and being honest in your romantic life is the answer to your emotional dreams. Think seriously about your future emotional possibilities and disappointments, before you commit yourself. Health may need your attention?

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

A long awaited communication brings good news, your telephone will be running hot making new arrangements and doing deals. New business or career contacts open up long-term possibilities. Watch your back, others are hoping to capitalise on your accolades. Enjoyable domestic and career developments will be prominent throughout this week, if you are in the process of buying or selling property, moving or renovating, you can expect satisfactory results. Throwing a dinner party or inviting friends around to enjoy a pleasant evening at your home, is recommended. Your optimism and expectations, may override your sensible judgement, in matters to do with personal desires, projects, or community interests. A family matter may need your expertise to solve a problem concerning children or education? Handle delicate situations with care.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Check out any new financial investment plan, you may profit handsomely. A super social time with family and friends, invitations galore and travel is excellent for business or pleasure. An emotional encounter may pave the way for a future permanency that is sure to be exciting and adventurous, providing you keep your feelings on an even keel. All of a sudden you are in tune with your partner, emotionally and mentally. You are feeling compatible within yourself and therefore get along well with one and all. Personal relationships produce a better understanding and greater compromise. A happy emotional time is in store and your partner may bring you great joy and happiness. If you are contemplating settling down you may decide to make a long lasting commitment.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Something unusual or surprising may catch your attention, be alert and ready to reorganise your daily affairs and activities at short notice. Financial luck is indicated through better business, career opportunities, or partnerships. You would be smart to heed your hunches regarding important people or situations and you will be right on track regarding certain solutions. Think before you act in matters to do with speculation or investment, luck may not be too forthcoming at present and you would be better to wait for a better time. Parties, outdoor interests, and social events bring you in to contact with some VIP’s or extra-ordinary people who may open doors for your future security. Legal matters, contracts or long-term agreements may play an important part in your week.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

The love and romance theme continues and, if anything, is probably intensified. A love dream or desire is likely to come true and be reflected in another person you have known for a long time. Your social popularity increases, together with your sex appeal. Attracting others to you emotionally will not be difficult; holding on to them will be your biggest problem. If ever you wanted to be in the spotlight, this is the time your hopes, wishes and desires will be fully realised. Your career and social activities will be in full swing; any activity related to art, music, entertainment and creative self-expression are yours for the taking. Financial investments and ventures will be exciting and profitable. A new situation brings happiness and good fortune to you.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

An unusual situation may arise over other people and their money, keep ahead of your responsibilities, do not let others down who may be counting on you. You may need the assistance or advise from professionals, you are now going through a period of financial readjustment. Dynamic self-expression may be called for when dealing with others over personal and business issues. You are ready and willing to try out for change in a direction of your choice and will do everything, to justify your actions. Restlessness, inconsistent activities, and irritability may scatter your energies, remember, one step at a time, should be your motto, avoid any impulsiveness. Your determination to forge ahead without taking others into consideration will be strong; a little compromise will do wonders for public relations.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

If care is not taken, you could become stubborn, compulsive and argumentative, causing stress for you and others. Try a little compromise with everything you do and you will be surprised with the positive results. Expanding your horizons and new career opportunities are foremost in your mind now and personal or professional success is indicated. Events from your past may surface again and cause some excitement and you may renew an old flame. An opportunity to make changes in your marital and emotional activities, will free you from many extra duties that have been holding you back from personal goals. You and your partner may find yourself mixing with unusual people, or going to places that are different from your customary environment. Travel brings surprises.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Petty business or personal irritations may bother you and this is an excellent week to settle outstanding matters and improve your environment at any cost. A matter of importance surrounding a financial issue may require expert advice before entering into any agreement. A family matter may also need your attention, little difficulties or problems seem to fall into your lap one after the other. Your self-confidence and physical energy is high, nothing can stop you now. You feel as if you could take on the world single-handedly. Well, go ahead; give it your best shot, although a practical approach is needed. You may be given privileged financial information concerning an investment portfolio and this could prove profitable. New interests may also attract you with sport or cultural activities.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Security is becoming more important to you and you will place much emphasis on accumulating possessions and a powerful urge to do something totally different will drive now you. Many significant changes will be taking place in your life including opportunities for better living conditions. Some small interruptions may prevent you from making headway at work or at the home front in your daily routine, be patient issues can be solved. Financially matters are changing for the better, although take extra care where personal expenditure is concerned. Creative activities, outdoors interest, sport, art or music is recommended to take your mind off those everyday hassles. Someone in your everyday environment may rub you the wrong way, through his or her opinionated, aggressive attitude. You are outstanding when handling tricky situations.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

You are undergoing changes seeking excitement, freedom and new horizons in your emotional relationship. This may mean that some old relationships will fall by the wayside, or you may lose interest. You may abandon a relationship suddenly, without warning, or you may need to radically restructure it. Watch for the unexpected, powerful forces are at work in your emotional world. Now is the time to discuss and accept the real duties and obligations in matters relating to work, profession and business? A pressing financial matter may have to be dealt with, don’t delay vital and important issues. A leadership opportunity may be presented to you in-group activities, club or service groups. An overseas communication may bring a pleasant surprise or happy news can be expected concerning a new project.

Milton Black

Published: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 10:58 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 8:33 PM

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