Star Talk

For the week ending October 30


By Milton Black

Published: Wed 29 Oct 2014, 3:43 PM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 10:52 PM

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Some wonderful opportunities may come your way; keep abreast of things and you will find increasing success. This is a big week for interviews and all forms of communication. You may save some time for fun and frolic, sport or just enjoying yourself with family and friends. This is a time for taking life a little easier without the thought of something going wrong. Money and personal security is gaining momentum, but money comes and goes in large amounts. You must not let the demands of your family push you to neglect your personal needs. You need to achieve a balance between your desire to work hard and ‘do it all’ and the need to relax.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Much happiness can be found with pets, photography, music, movies and outings. You may have a variety of good things happening around you and invitations may have you frequenting hotels, restaurants and clubs. Good fortune comes through meeting new people who can assist you in the future. New knowledge brings pleasure and favourable messages and a pleasure trip with a friend or loved one is favoured. Studies in the arts, culture and music may appeal to you and a gamble will not go astray, providing you don’t go overboard with your enthusiasm. Health may need some attention including diet and fitness. Avoid loaning money to friends.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You may have an interesting meeting to your advantage with a hairdresser, butcher, carpenter, chemist, dentist or mechanic. Take full advantage of everything that is offered to you, it is a fortunate week. Social clubs, travel, outdoor interests and sport may make this a very busy time but you’re on a winning streak when it comes to competition. You may find yourself at the right place at the right time. This is a good week for dealing with contractors or attending to mechanical repairs. A new direction may be offered to you. This is also a fabulous week for sport and competing of any kind. Golf, tennis or some other outdoor interest may entertain you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Enormous changes are about to take place around you and your daily routine will be under much pressure as you branch out into new directions. Parties, pleasure and outings make this a hectic week. A flurry of visitors and house guests may keep you busy socially. Lots of entertainment and enjoyment can be expected. Money may be given to you through benefits, charity, a windfall or inheritance. Your bank balance may increase through the goodwill of others. Spiritual matters may interest you or you may achieve satisfaction through religion. Travel gives you a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air. Reaching agreements will be easy now, but don’t take the first offer, you may get a better deal elsewhere.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Study or further training may be on your agenda; you may be in for a promotion or change. Outings will encounter some wonderful opportunities and you may develop new friendships. This is a wonderful week to purchase a new car, trade or sell. Gains come without a lot of effort. All turns out well but a sudden change that appears to be good luck may actually conceal bad luck. Do not be afraid, but examine your new situation from all angles and act accordingly. You can take advantage of the good and diminish the bad if you understand exactly what is going on. You will feel that everything seems to be happening at once.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

You may not have enough hours in your week and you can’t put a foot wrong now; everything you touch turns to gold. A super social week is in store, with a wonderful opportunity to broaden your horizons. Expect new beginnings and travel; change and variety are just what you need at his moment and you’ll do everything you can to make this a happy and enjoyable time. Your partner or friend can expect an offer or a change for the better, joint finances are in for a boost. This is a great week for negotiating loans, extra credit, or refinancing. Outdoor interests are favoured, and you may become involved with cultural activities, hobbies and the arts.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Travel undertaken now will be exciting and invigorating, rather than relaxing and restful. Benefits come through friends, groups and organizations and could also assist you with your future goals. You may make contact with a foreigner, importer or exporter or travel agent who will assist you, or you may receive advancement through new career opportunities. This is a good time for seeking favours from those in positions of established power and authority, your optimistic outlook and increased self-confidence inspires self-confidence in others. Increased correspondence and communication brings good news and you may be given an opportunity to increase your holdings.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Short- and long-distance travelling is favoured and happiness comes through doing your own thing. Improved financial fortune makes you generous with money and material goods. Fitness and health are looking good and this week brings an expanded social life, fulfilment in social activities and artistic expressions. Children play an important part in your week with luck or good fortune, and a few surprises through family and friendships can be expected. Real estate and property changes can now take place; you may make home improvements. New job or career prospects may be made available to you. Happiness is assured.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

A sudden lift in your financial status will make you happy. Say ‘yes’ to all invitations! Expansion in personal affairs can now proceed and foreign countries or travel may appeal to you. Local travel to see something new and different is your cup of tea — say, to a museum or an antique show. This is also a good time to begin studies. Many new changes and opportunities await you. Push ahead with your chosen goals, make those needed job changes or start that business. Luck is on your side and financial advantages attract to you. You may also receive gains through new friendships. Try your hand with activities where the element of change is involved. Luck is with you now!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Happy surprises come in little gifts and travel and long distance money dealings are favoured. Do not sell yourself short over business or career matters. Real estate profits can now be made, some may decide to open a business, change career or take up a new direction, quite different from anything before. This is a favourable time for seeking financial backing and others will be responsive. Wonderful opportunities also await you through family and friends. An important document communication or something you have been expecting now comes to fruition. An interesting phone call excites you and inclines you to splash out a little. Good fortune comes in unexpected ways and you may be at the right place at the right time when opportunity knocks. Avoid gossip, it may backfire.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

This is a good week to start a do-it-yourself program, study course or join an academy, long-term programmes will be successful. Money matters will improve and many will have good luck or unexpected gains. There should be some happy news, perhaps to do with your own health or family matters. There could soon be a special kind of celebration involving a gift, a speech and plenty of talk. You might possibly be lucky at speculation but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Your lucky colours are red and orange. It is a wise time to reconsider a decision made some time ago.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Good luck through the cooperation and the help of friends may certainly pay dividends this week. Persistence and endurance will win you over small trials. This may be an extraordinary week, full of exciting new ventures and things to do. An old friend may suddenly make a re-appearance, or come forward in the view of assisting you with a special project, or giving you support with a personal matter that requires careful consideration. Financial matters may be up for discussion now; this is a good week for signing documents. Things of beauty and your investments are in focus and you may decide to purchase something expensive. Your magnetic mood may help you charm others into cooperating with you over those important issues that now need your attention.

Milton Black

Published: Wed 29 Oct 2014, 3:43 PM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 10:52 PM

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