Take deterrent action against school

THERE have been quite a few instances when the Ministry of Education has stumbled upon objectionable matter in textbooks prescribed by private schools. These usually relate to lessons which go against the tenets of Islam or local social traditions. The latest case was the detection of an objectionable poem titled "Creation," which transgresses the concept of divinity. The two pages from the textbook were subsequently withdrawn.


By Catch Of The Day

Published: Thu 2 Jun 2005, 10:19 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 7:56 PM

Action taken, we would like to ask Juma Al Salami, Assistant Under-Secretary at the Ministry of Education for Private Education, whether the school had obtained the prior approval of the Ministry to include the poem in question in the syllabus and the book. This exercise is a well-established norm as per rules and regulations, which mandates that textbooks prescribed for schools in UAE should not carry anything objectionable on religious or cultural grounds.

And if the school had not taken such prior approval, mere deletion of the objectionable matter would not suffice. Stringent action should be initiated against the school, which would prove to be a deterrent to other schools too. If schools have to respect the law of the land, it is imperative that such issues are nipped in the bud, and deterrent action put in place.

Catch Of The Day

Published: Thu 2 Jun 2005, 10:19 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 7:56 PM

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