Towards a safer Dubai

Al Ameen

Al Ameen's e-services make it easier for public to report security issues


Amira Agarib

Published: Thu 23 Jul 2015, 5:22 PM

Dubai: The Dubai Police have announced the modernisation of service communication (Al Ameen service) by enabling the public to use it through various means - phone or other smart services and social media - to make it easier for them to communicate 24 hours a day.
Al Ameen service of the Dubai Police received 5,493 calls during the first half of 2015.
The information office of the Al Ameen Service confirmed that Al Ameen service received 3,946 telephone calls on criminal issues, 150 calls on traffic-related issues, 125 on social issues, 317 on security issues and 955 calls on other issues.
It was confirmed that Emiratis topped the list of callers totalling 3,000, followed by foreign nationals who made 1,461 calls, and Arab nationals who made 1,032 calls. While 2,853 calls were made by men, 2,640 were made by women.
The information office said Al Ameen aimed to maintain the security and stability of society, and to communicate with the public in order to understand the security situation.
The service hopes to give priority to security issues since there are specialised departments in the police to deals with criminal issues. However, the service will continue to receive calls on criminal issue and they will be referred to the competent authorities who will guide people to resolve problems.
The information office pointed out that Al Ameen service has allocated toll-free number 8004888 'and a fax phone' to receive calls from within the country. Those outside can call by adding the country code: 009 718 004 888.
Text messages will be received on 4444; and e-mails can be sent to; services by can be found by visiting the website; Twitter on Anstjeram across alameen service account; BlackBerry service across 52ADFDE0 PIN code". The public should not be apprehensive about contacting Al Ameeen as the service would maintain strict confidentially about people who provide information, the media office said.
The office said that modern means of communication has made it easier for people in the sense that they do not have visit the centre personally to provide information.
Individuals can report all types of suspicious and criminals activities, suspicious-looking abandoned items such as bags left in parking lots or deserted places and so on.

Amira Agarib

Published: Thu 23 Jul 2015, 5:22 PM

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