UAE timeline: A chronology of key events

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UAE timeline: A chronology of key events

Here are the significant dates in UAE history

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Published: Fri 2 Dec 2016, 1:12 PM

130,000 BC

Early man crosses the Red Sea from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula.

5500-3000 BC

Evidence of extensive human occupation by skilled groups of herders in eastern Arabia. Beginning of maritime trade.

3000-2000 BC

Emergence of Bronze Age culture, with oasis towns and wide-ranging trade relations

2000-1300 BC

Number of towns declines due to a more arid climate and desertification

1300-300 BC

Explosion of new Iron Age settlements as Falaj irrigation technology is introduced; first use of writing

300 BC-650 AD

Extensive trade network along the Gulf linking up the Mediterranean, Syria and Mesopotamia with India. Christian monastery established on Sir Bani Yas island off western Abu Dhabi coast.

630 AD

Arrival of envoys from the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and conversion to Islam.

632 AD

Death of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH; a widespread rebellion against the teachings of Islam is defeated.

637 AD

Julfar (Ras Al Khaimah) used as staging post for Islamic invasion of Iran.


Earliest mention of Dubai, by Andalusian geographer Abu Abdullah Al Bakri.


Portuguese circumnavigate the Cape of Good Hope, prompting Portuguese Ottoman rivalry in the Gulf.


Growth of British trade interests in the Gulf. Emergence of local naval power Qawasim.


Leader of Bani Yas tribal confederation moves to Abu Dhabi, a major port and pearling centre. The confederation is led by the Al Nahyan family 


Conflict between the Qawasim navy and the British over trade routes to India.


Britain signs peace treaty with sheikhs of Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Qaiwain, Ajman, Sharjah, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. 


Al Maktoum family, part of the Bani Yas, establish control in Dubai. 


Signature of Perpetual Treaty of Maritime Truce with Britain; area becomes known as the 'Trucial States'.


Shaikh Zayed becomes Ruler of Abu Dhabi.


Britain announces its intention to withdraw from the Gulf region.


First export of oil from Dubai. 1971 Rulers of the emirates create the United Arab Emirates; Shaikh Zayed is chosen as the first UAE President.


Rulers of the emirates create the United Arab Emirates; Shaikh Zayed is chosen as the first UAE President. 


Shaikh Khalifa Al Nahyan is elected as new President of the UAE on the death of Shaikh Zayed. 


Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is chosen as Vice President and Prime Minister of the Federation following the death of his brother, Shaikh Maktoum.
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