Video: Daredevil Russian girl’s 'selfie' on Dubai skyscraper

Dubai - The Russian beauty posted the video on her social media page where it quickly went viral.


By Web Report

Published: Fri 17 Feb 2017, 10:06 AM

What length will you go to take that perfect selfie for ‘likes’ on Instagram and other social media platforms? A dramatic video has captured a daredevil Russian model taking 'selfies' while dangling on top of a Dubai skyscraper.
The Russian stunned many when she posed for a death-defying photo-shoot on top of the 1,004-foot tall Cayan Tower in Dubai, one of the world's tallest skyscrapers.
Viki Odintcova, 23, was held up only by the hand of a male assistant as she leaned out into thin air from the Cayan Tower in a bid to get the perfect Instagram shot, according to a Daily Mail report.

The Russian model first tilted backwards over the huge drop, before dangling high above the ground from the arm of her bearded helper.

The Instagram queen, who has more than three million followers on social media, admitted that she was a bit nervous before the stunt.

'I still cannot believe that I did it. Every time I watch this video, my palms get sweaty,' said the St Petersburg-based beauty.
Odintsova posted the video on her social media page where it quickly went viral.

 The model is a big proponent of a healthy lifestyle and has said she takes her fitness very seriously.
Many of her fans were stunned she performed the stunt without any safety equipment. If she did use any secret safety equipment, it's certainly well hidden from the naked eye.
Some pointed out that she would not have had a chance of surviving if anything had gone wrong.
One commented:
'How can you disregard your life like that? If I was your parent I would smack both you and the guy with the beard!'
Some users accused her of copying another beautiful young Russian, Angelina Nikolau, 23, who has made headlines around the world with her dangerous selfies taken on top of skyscrapers.

Watch the video here.

Web Report

Published: Fri 17 Feb 2017, 10:06 AM

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