Sip of Health: How Yakult's Probiotic Drinks are Transforming Lives Worldwide

The iconic small bottle, now a staple in the daily routines of many, remains true to its founder's vision by emphasising the principles of 'Shirota-ism'


By Kushmita Bose

Published: Thu 27 Jun 2024, 12:01 PM

You've probably heard the phrase “listen to your gut” more times than you can count, and while it might seem like just another piece of common advice, it holds more weight than we realise. In recent years, gut health has emerged as a prominent topic of interest, with considerable attention focused on probiotics. These live bacteria and yeasts, often referred to as ‘friendly’ or ‘good’ bacteria, have been touted for their myriad benefits, ranging from bolstering immunity and mental well-being to potentially aiding in weight management and promoting healthier skin.

The balance of these bacteria within the gut is crucial, as various factors such as stress, antibiotic use, and dietary choices can disrupt this delicate equilibrium, leading to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Probiotics, including those found in products like Yakult, are believed to play a pivotal role in restoring this balance by increasing the population of beneficial bacteria. Now, if you haven’t been living under a rock, you're likely familiar with Yakult — a probiotic drink packaged in small bottles, making it instantly recognisable and popular among all age groups. So, how does this probiotic drink contribute to overall health and what’s the secret behind this long-term seller?

A Commitment to Health


The origins of Yakult Honsha can be traced back to 1921, when a young Minoru Shirota embarked on a path that would revolutionise preventive medicine. Born in 1899, Shirota witnessed the devastating impact of poor hygiene and nutritional deficiencies. Cholera and dysentery outbreaks were rampant, and these experiences fueled his determination to eradicate the root causes of such diseases.

Driven by this mission, Shirota entered the medical school of what was then Kyoto Imperial University, now known as Kyoto University. During his studies, he focused on the potential of micro-organisms in developing preventive medicine. By 1930, having earned his doctorate in medicine, Shirota had successfully cultured and fortified a strain of lactic acid bacteria that could survive the journey through the digestive system and bolster intestinal health. This strain, later named Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota, was a breakthrough in promoting a healthier stomach, thereby enhancing the body’s ability to fend off illnesses.

With the aim of making this lactic acid bacteria accessible to as many people as possible, Dr Shirota developed an affordable and delicious fermented milk drink. In 1935, he introduced this drink under the Yakult trademark, enabling countless people to benefit from the health-boosting properties of the strain. This marked the beginning of Yakult.

In an era where treatment was the norm, Shirota’s preventive approach was revolutionary. He believed that ‘a healthy intestinal tract leads to a long life’, a principle that led him to introduce the world to Yakult, nearly 90 years ago. This philosophy of prioritising intestinal health as a cornerstone of overall well-being remains integral to Yakult's operations today.

The name “Yakult” itself is a nod to this universal mission. Derived from the Esperanto word “Jahurto,” meaning yogurt, it reflects the desire to contribute to global health. Esperanto, designed as a universal language, aligns perfectly with Yakult’s vision of promoting health worldwide. Over time, “Yakult” has become a coined term that resonates across languages, symbolising the company’s enduring commitment to well-being.

‘Shirota-ism’ at the Heart

At the heart of Yakult's business philosophy lies ‘Shirota-ism’, a set of principles established by the company's founder, Dr Shirota. These core tenets shape Yakult's diverse ventures in foods and beverages, international business, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Shirota-ism is grounded in three key principles: Preventive medicine, A healthy intestinal tract leads to a long life, and a price anyone can afford.

Evolution of Health Consciousness

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the universal value of good health. Today, health consciousness has evolved beyond merely being disease-free; it encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being. The interplay between the brain and the intestines, known as the ‘gut-brain axis’, has garnered significant attention. This connection reveals that the intestinal environment can influence brain function, alleviate stress, and impact mental health. As research on probiotics—live microorganisms that confer health benefits—enters a new phase, the focus is on achieving comprehensive health through the intestines.

So, What's the Science behind this Fermented Milk Drink?

Each bottle of Yakult contains live beneficial bacteria that reach the intestines alive to improve digestion and boost immunity. The bacteria in Yakult increase the levels of NK (Natural Killer) cells, which are vital for our immune system, and stimulate immune cells responsible for combating infectious diseases and cancer cells. Probiotics are essential for regulating intestinal function and digestion. Yakult stands out as a unique probiotic product because the type of good bacteria in Yakult, ‘Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota’, doesn't die in the acidity of the stomach and is scientifically proven to be strong enough to reach the intestines alive, helping balance the good and bad bacteria in our intestines.

Rise of Probiotic Consumption

In a trend toward healthier eating, many young individuals in the UAE are becoming deeply conscious of their health and well-being. People are increasingly incorporating probiotics into their daily diets. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of the benefits of probiotics for digestive health and overall wellness, reflecting a significant change in lifestyle.

But what’s Fueling this Sudden Surge in Probiotic Consumption?

In recent years, the UAE has witnessed a significant shift in dietary habits, spurred by an increasing awareness of health and well-being. This change is particularly evident in the burgeoning probiotics market, which is expected to grow by $77.64 million from 2023 to 2028, according to the research report ‘UAE Probiotics Market Overview, 2028’ by Bonafide Research.

The surge in popularity of probiotics can be attributed to several factors, including changing eating patterns and a rise in chronic diseases. As more people seek to improve their health through diet, the inclusion of probiotics has become a common practice.

One of the key drivers of this market expansion is also the increasing concern for wellness among the younger population. Young people are more informed about the benefits of a balanced diet and are actively seeking products that support their health goals. This demographic shift is encouraging the development and consumption of innovative and specialised probiotic strains designed to meet specific health needs.

Moreover, the UAE's unique multicultural society plays a pivotal role in the diversity of its probiotic market. With a significant expatriate population from various countries, the demand for a wide range of food products, including probiotics, is on the rise. People from different cultural backgrounds bring their dietary preferences and practices to the UAE, creating a dynamic and varied market landscape.

Yakult Ibaraki Factory in Japan.

From Japan to Dubai

Driven by the enduring vision of Dr. Shirota, the Yakult Group remains committed to bringing health and wellness to people worldwide. Established in 2017, Yakult Middle East is a relatively young company under the Yakult Group umbrella, yet it carries forward the same passion and dedication that have propelled its parent company, Yakult, to global prominence over the past 85 years. Originating from Japan, Yakult is a leading name in the probiotic industry, with over 40 million bottles consumed daily across 40 countries and regions.

Yakult Middle East, dubbed ‘A Shot of Good Health’, was established in 2015 in Dubai, UAE, as a subsidiary of Yakult Honsha Company, Limited. As a pioneer in the region, Yakult Middle East has become one of the leading probiotic companies in the GCC. Since beginning operations in 2017, Yakult Middle East has been delivering fresh products to over 1,000 hypermarkets, supermarkets, and convenience stores across the GCC region.

A range of Yakult products are available in the UAE, including Yakult Original and Yakult Light, both providing the same benefits of promoting digestive health and boosting the immune system. For those seeking a touch of luxury, Yakult Gold stands out as an upscale choice, presenting a premium version of the popular probiotic drink.

Bringing Yakult to your Doorstep: The Yakult Lady Experience

Walking down a bustling street in Japan, it’s not uncommon to encounter a Yakult Lady. Dressed in a smart uniform and carrying a box filled with the famous probiotic milk drink, the Yakult Lady has become an iconic figure, bringing a personal touch to the Japanese product. Beyond physical stores, Yakult products are readily available from these dedicated ladies who visit households and workplaces.

The Yakult Lady system was introduced in 1963, over three decades after Dr. Shirota first devised the drink. This innovative sales strategy was born from the idea that female customers would feel more comfortable chatting with a door-to-door salesperson who was also female. This concept not only gained popularity but also expanded as Yakult's reach grew globally. Today, there are about 80,000 Yakult ladies who deliver door-to-door or pop into offices and workplaces across the country, providing valuable health information alongside delivering products.

Achieving a Sustainable Society

Guided by the belief that ‘in order for people to be healthy, everything around them must also be healthy’, Yakult has dedicated itself to developing products that promote well-being and fostering a sustainable society. This commitment is woven into the fabric of their corporate activities, making them a living example of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in action. Presently, the Yakult Group actively engages with eight of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pioneering Probiotic Research since 1935

Founded in 1935 in Japan, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd has consistently pursued research into the potential of probiotics, striving to contribute to the health and well-being of people around the world. Yakult Honsha's product range in Japan includes dairy products featuring Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota and Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult, as well as cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.

The Yakult Central Institute has achieved numerous milestones in its extensive research into various types of lactic acid bacteria and intestinal bacteria and their roles in human health. The principles of Shirota-ism serve as the foundation for research and development at the Yakult Central Institute. This research is applied in the development of ingredients and applications for food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics that are beneficial in maintaining and improving people's health.


Kushmita Bose

Published: Thu 27 Jun 2024, 12:01 PM

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