The Future of AI Gastronomy

Discover how AI is revolutionising UAE restaurants, enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiency, setting a global standard for the future of dining

By Anam Khan

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Krasota Dubai
Krasota Dubai

Published: Thu 27 Jun 2024, 11:34 AM

Last updated: Thu 27 Jun 2024, 2:02 PM

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) is transforming the dining industry, revolutionising customer experiences and operational efficiency. According to a 2024 report by MarketsandMarkets, the AI in food and beverages market is projected to grow from $3.07 billion in 2020 to $29.94 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 45.77 per cent. This rapid growth is a testament to AI's potential to reshape how we dine.


AI technology is being integrated into various aspects of the dining experience, from customer service to kitchen operations. Chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly used for reservations, order placements, and customer inquiries. These AI systems provide 24/7 service, enhancing customer convenience and satisfaction. According to a survey by Oracle, 43 per cent of consumers prefer chatbots for customer service interactions, underscoring their growing acceptance.

In the kitchen, AI-driven robots and automation are improving food preparation and consistency. Companies like Miso Robotics, with their robotic kitchen assistant Flippy, are leading this change. Flippy can cook a variety of foods with precision, reducing the margin of error and ensuring high-quality dishes every time. The integration of AI in kitchens is expected to grow by 64 per cent by 2025, according to a report by Research and Markets.

Chef Vladimir Mukhin, head chef at Krasota Dubai.
Chef Vladimir Mukhin, head chef at Krasota Dubai.

"The UAE is at the forefront of integrating AI into its dining sector, setting an example for the rest of the world," states Chef Vladimir Mukhin, who is a head chef at Krasota Dubai.

"In Dubai, for instance, AI is being used to create personalised dining experiences. The Burj Al Arab's Al Muntaha restaurant uses AI to analyze customer preferences and recommend dishes, enhancing the dining experience."

Andy Cuthbert, General Manager, Jumeirah Creekside, said AI will continue to drive not just the hospitality industry, but all industries forward. Those of us in hospitality should welcome, engage with, and support its adoption.


AI is improving operational efficiency in UAE restaurants. Robotics are being used for food preparation and service, reducing wait times and improving consistency. The UAE's emphasis on technology adoption has made it a leader in this space. According to PwC, 62 per cent of restaurants in the UAE are expected to adopt some form of AI technology by 2025, compared to the global average of 45 per cent.

Oktay Unlu, General Manager, Zenon Dubai, underscores the nation's leadership in integrating advanced technologies to enhance hospitality.
Oktay Unlu, General Manager, Zenon Dubai, underscores the nation's leadership in integrating advanced technologies to enhance hospitality.

The UAE's exemplary use of AI in dining, highlighted by Oktay Unlu, General Manager, Zenon Dubai, underscores the nation's leadership in integrating advanced technologies to enhance hospitality. "In UAE restaurants, AI technologies like chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionising customer interactions. At Zenon, we've developed personalized 3D visuals that react to guest movements, creating an immersive dining experience. These visuals are thematically integrated with Greek mythology, adding a layer of storytelling that captivates our guests. Additionally, AI-driven data analytics tools help us tailor our offerings and optimise our menu based on guest preferences, further enhancing satisfaction."


Zenon Dubai
Zenon Dubai

Looking ahead, the future of AI in dining appears incredibly promising. Personalised dining experiences will become the norm, with AI analysing data to recommend dishes based on individual preferences and dietary restrictions. Voice recognition technology will further streamline the ordering process, allowing customers to place orders using smart speakers or mobile apps.

"In our Imaginary Future show at Krasota Dubai, we aim to highlight that living closely with artificial intelligence has shifted from fantasy to reality," comments Chef Mukhin.

"We can now 'resurrect' images of people, use AI in creative processes, and either embrace or fear this collaborative dynamic. However, the crucial question remains: where will humans draw the line, defining the boundary between themselves and artificial intelligence, is yet to be determined."

In addition, AI will play a crucial role in sustainability efforts within the dining industry. AI-driven systems can optimise inventory management, reducing food waste by up to 30 per cent, according to a report by IBM. This not only lowers costs for restaurants but also contributes to environmental conservation efforts.

The future impact of AI on the dining industry will be profound, driving further innovation and efficiency. Unlu emphasizes: "We foresee trends like more sophisticated personalisation, where AI will offer even more tailored experiences based on real-time data. AI will also enhance operational efficiency through predictive analytics and automation, reducing costs and improving service quality. As AI technology advances, restaurants will continue to evolve, providing increasingly unique and memorable dining experiences that cater to diverse customer preferences."

Furthermore, AI's role in enhancing food safety cannot be overlooked. AI-powered sensors and monitoring systems can detect contaminants and ensure food quality, significantly reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses. The future will see more widespread adoption of these technologies, ensuring safer dining experiences for all.

Andy Cuthbert, General Manager, Jumeirah Creekside.
Andy Cuthbert, General Manager, Jumeirah Creekside.

Cuthbert concludes: "As we better understand AI's capabilities, we can innovate by using its analytics to understand guests' needs, preferences, and trends. However, AI cannot replicate the enriched guest experiences that today's well-informed guests seek. AI will undoubtedly lead hospitality towards more personalised guest experiences. While a director of robotics won't replace an executive chef, we must embrace innovation and prepare for a changing landscape. In the UAE and Dubai, we are blessed with leadership that supports and encourages technology throughout all industries.”

The integration of AI into the dining industry is revolutionising customer experiences and operational efficiencies. The UAE is leading the way with its innovative use of technology, setting an example for other countries to follow. As AI continues to evolve, the dining experience will become more personalised, efficient, and sustainable, promising a bright future for both consumers and businesses. With the market for AI in food and beverages expected to reach nearly $30 billion by 2025, the transformation is just beginning, and the possibilities are limitless.


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