Du has launched a 'Pay As You Go Special Number' offer. It is a prepaid line designed for customers who are looking for a unique mobile number. Customers will also benefit from 3GB of free data for the first six months. The cost for the special number is Dh1,000. "As we continue to support the Smart City as envisioned by the UAE leadership, our aim is to continue putting smiles on the faces of our customers with unique deals. This offer enables our customers to have an easy-to-remember and unique mobile number," said Fahad Al Hassawi, chief commercial officer, du. The 'Pay as You Go Special Number' can be purchased at selected du shops, partner outlets in the UAE or online through http://shop.du.ae. Customers have to bring the required documents with them to purchase the SIM. "The 'Pay As You Go Special Number' offer is an ongoing deal in our portfolio of products. As an added bonus, we have enhanced the offer by including an extra three months of free data to ensure maximum connectivity for our customers," he added. - business@khaleejtimes.com
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