How to de-clutter your home like a pro

Involving family in cleaning will save you time and turn the task into an enjoyable activity.

dubai - Do a quick survey of your home to figure out which areas require most attention and add them to a checklist


By Bana Shomali

Published: Sat 19 Aug 2017, 3:09 PM

Last updated: Sat 19 Aug 2017, 5:11 PM

With the new school year just around the corner, you might be wondering what you can do to get your home organised and tidy. If you've tired of tripping on toys in the middle of the night and don't want to see clothes and books lying around everywhere, then this guide can surely help you. Follow these simple steps to organise and de-clutter your home like a pro.

Make a checklist and timetable
As a rule of thumb, you should always create a checklist and timetable to tackle any challenging task, especially for Herculean ones like organising a messy home. Do a quick survey of your home to figure out which areas require most attention and add them to the list. If you have a deadline for organising your home, e.g. your kid's first day at school after the holidays, then plan according and set daily targets.

Involve your family
By doing so, not only will you save time, but you can also turn this task into an enjoyable activity. It's a great way to inculcate the habit of tidiness in your kids. Consider playing music while your family gives you a hand in de-cluttering your home. You can even hold a tidying competition and give gifts to those who accomplished the most. Keep your home spotless throughout the year by setting up a weekly chore task for each family member. You can also book a weekly cleaning appointment to help keep things in order.

Sort out the things you don't need
There are probably many things such as worn out clothes and kitchen appliances that you no longer use cluttering up your home. Go through each room and get rid of things that you no longer need. A good way to approach this is to consider getting rid of anything you have not used in the last year. If you haven't used them in the last year, chances are you don't actually need them.

Here's how you can get rid of them
Making a list of things you can get rid of is just the first step. Next figure out the best way to get unwanted and old items off your hands. You can sell items that can be used by others on online platforms like Dubizzle or Melltoo. Another option is to donate such items to a charity or call up Takemyjunk to collect any furniture and items you no longer need.

Discard old clothes and shoes
We often hoard clothes and shoes that we don't wear anymore. To find out if that's the case with you, just consider every item in your wardrobe and ask yourself the following questions: when was the last time you wore it and would you use in the future. Remember, if it doesn't fit properly, you're not going to wear it, and will find that it is much easier to keep your cupboards organised without the bits and pieces you never wear.

Organise your kid's books and toys
Be sure to involve your kids while doing this. If you don't have a cabinet for toys in your kids' room, then buy one and hire a handyman to put it up for you. Kids like to arrange and display their things, so you can encourage them to put everything back in its place after they are done playing and make it part of the fun.

Don't forget the storeroom
After you've sorted out everything that can be donated or sold, there will still be some items and memorabilia that you don't use anymore but would like to keep. There may also be some seasonal clothes and equipment that you want to store for a few months. All such items can be kept in a storeroom. However, storerooms fill up quickly and you'll have to get rid of some of the old stuff to make room for new things. If you need some extra space, you can consider renting some space from storage facilities in the UAE.

Be prepared for the new school year
If you have children, it's always a good idea to buy all school supplies in advance to avoid a last-minute panic. Set up an online calendar for each child to keep track of all their events and after-school activities.

The writer is co-founder of ServiceMarket. Views expressed are her own and do not reflect the newspaper's policies.

Bana Shomali

Published: Sat 19 Aug 2017, 3:09 PM

Last updated: Sat 19 Aug 2017, 5:11 PM

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