Self-Taught Corporate Consultant “Jay” Jiang Yu Transforms Companies to Reach the Ultimate Potential

Published: Fri 24 Sep 2021, 9:02 AM

True to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be”. Every person is destined for the success they deserve, and there is no limit to what you can be or do.


“Jay” Jiang Yu is one of the successful people in the business world today. The self-taught corporate investor is a serial entrepreneur with multiple investments across various industries. Jiang Yu success in business cuts across the different sectors he has invested in. Some of the industries he has invested in include gold mining, sports and fitness, Fintech, blockchain, legal, Airbnb, the legal cannabis industry, and a disruptive blood diagnostics company.

He is also widely known for his exquisite corporate advisory services, strategic consulting and business incubation services that he supplies the industry. Jiang Yu’s huge appetite for risks makes him a free man to invest seed capital into start-ups, either private or public. Through business incubation, Jiang Yu presents the young companies with a unique and highly flexible combination of the business development process and infrastructure set-ups. These well-thought out strategies are designed to nurture the new and small businesses to survive the tough and challenging early stages of development.

Jiang Yu shares a deep understanding of the business industry dynamics, including capital appraisal strategies from capital funding, structured financing, mergers & acquisitions, IPO listing, PR & Branding, among others. He regularly shares this knowledge with other companies to help them reach their ultimate potential. Jiang Yu has advised hundreds of private and public company executives with his services throughout his career, including expert market analysis, commodities trading, and other business development services geared at taking the companies to the next level.

No matter the size of your company, Jiang Yu believes that you can scale to become the next biggest corporation. According to him, you need first to ensure you have dedicated yourself to something you are passionate about. Aside from your passion and interest, it’s prudent that you start a business that seeks to solve everyday problems. The key is ensuring you wake up excited about your business.

To Jiang, entrepreneurship is a risky venture, and you must be ready for any challenge. It is acceptable to stumble, to fail or incur losses along the way. The experience may be draining, but at least you will learn from your failure. There is always a chance that investors will be watching you, and they may feel and see your passion and want to get involved.

“Take a calculated and forward-thinking risk. A limitless and relentless mindset to get the deal done, but at the same time, the body, mind and soul have to be united in harmony for success to come. Work hard, play harder; balance is everything. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and enjoy it well,” advises Jiang Yu.

In business, Jiang Yu believes that you must know your business partners thoroughly. Do they share the same vibrancy as you or pay attention to details as you do? In other words, Jiang states that the ideal business partner should match your hunger and work ethic. For greater growth, surround yourself with people who are never complacent and this will help in your business growth.

To Jiang, growth doesn’t have to be monetary but knowledge and experience are just as important.

Published: Fri 24 Sep 2021, 9:02 AM