Unlocking the UAE's workforce potential: Embracing employee recognition for business success

Recognising and rewarding individuals fosters a positive work environment that promotes teamwork and collaboration


Published: Thu 6 Jun 2024, 3:44 PM

Last updated: Fri 7 Jun 2024, 11:05 AM

Introduction: Understanding recognition and rewards and their importance

Recognition and Rewards (R&R) programmes are strategic tools designed to appreciate and acknowledge employees' contributions, fostering a sense of value and belonging within the organization. These programmes encompass various forms of recognition, from monetary rewards to public acknowledgment and personalised incentives. Recognising and rewarding individuals fosters a positive work environment that promotes teamwork and collaboration. As a matter of fact, when employees see their peers being acknowledged, it creates a culture of appreciation, motivating everyone to contribute more effectively.

In today's competitive business landscape, enhanced individual and team productivity directly contributes to the organization's success. Maya El Husseini, Group Head HR at Jubaili Bros, emphasizes the significance of R&R programmes, stating that the effectiveness of these programs hinges on establishing metrics that reflect significant impacts on organisational behaviours and success drivers. By aligning R&R strategies with business objectives, companies can create a motivated and committed workforce, driving overall success.

Thus, one can say that Recognition and Rewards (R&R) programmes in an organisation play a pivotal role in retaining top talent and ensuring employee satisfaction at all levels. As mentioned by Ritu Singh, Group Rewards Lead at Landmark Group, recognition is an ongoing process that is rooted in inclusivity and innovation.

The need for these programs stems from their ability to enhance employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Recognizing employees' efforts boosts morale and aligns their goals with the organization's objectives, leading to a more motivated and committed workforce.

Vishal Bhosale, Head of Human Resources, Green Planet Industries LLC, Dubai, emphasizes the need for R&R programs in organizations. Additionally, he also stresses the need to embed company values in R&R programs and align them with organizational objectives. To him, programs that promote desired behaviors and contribute to business goals are more likely to deliver significant ROI.

To fully explore how R&R programmes can benefit the UAE workforce, it is essential to understand the region’s economy and workforce scenario and why such a program is needed. But let us first understand how behavioural science can be used as a leverage in enhancing recognition programmes.

Leveraging the potential of behavioural science in recognition programmes to enhance company's ROI

Employee recognition is a powerful force shaping employee behaviour and strategic business alignment. However, the question that often arises is how employee behavior impacts productivity? A study conducted by Gallup reveals that engaged employees are 21% more productive.

Recognition and rewards are not just about acknowledging hard work; they are strategic tools that can significantly enhance motivation, engagement, and productivity. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be committed to their roles and go above and beyond in their performance. Pallav Popli, the CRO and Employee Engagement Evangelist of Vantage Circle, believes in the transformative power of recognition and rewards to boost individual productivity and by extension, drive organizational growth. With the proper use of behavioral science, organizations can understand and influence employee behaviour to profoundly impact individual performance and team dynamics.

The study of employee behavior provides valuable insights into challenges faced by employees such as motivation, communication barriers and resistance to change - all of which can hinder productivity. To tackle this issue, Vantage Circle has a dedicated Research and Development team comprising of seasoned behavioral scientists to conduct thorough analyses of employee patterns and preferences.

Vantage Circle's AIRe Framework is a holistic and structured approach to address the pivotal question of how organizations can maximize the potential of their recognition program through the fundamental themes - Appreciation, Incentivization, and Reinforcement, coupled with eMotional connect. The framework is designed to personalize recognition, ensuring it resonates emotionally with each employee. By leveraging advanced analytics, AIRe understands individual employee preferences and behaviors, recommending personalized rewards that resonate with each employee.

Allowing for a customizable and personalised recognition program, the AIRe framework ensures that each acknowledgment is relevant and meaningful. Furthermore, the tool’s Real-time feedback and recognition capabilities ensure timely and impactful appreciation.

With the help of this assessment tool, organisations can design and assess their recognition programmes and identify areas of improvement in R&R strategy.

Sriram Iyer, Founder and CEO, hrtech, notes that in today's diverse workplace, modern R&R programs must be customized to cater to the needs of a multi-generational workforce and align with both organizational and individual values. Such alignment is crucial for driving productivity and ensuring the effectiveness of R&R strategies.

The need for R&R programmes in UAE

The UAE stands at the forefront of rapid economic growth and transformation, attracting a diverse and dynamic workforce. To fully harness this potential, organisations must prioritise employee recognition as a strategic tool for business success. As companies strive to remain competitive and innovative, including rewards and recognition programmes in the corporate sector is crucial. These programmes can enhance productivity by fostering a culture of appreciation, boosting employee morale, and encouraging high performance. By recognising and rewarding employees' contributions, companies in the

UAE can increase engagement, retention, thus resulting in overall business success in this dynamic and evolving market.

Rapid economic growth, a diverse workforce, and intense competition for top talent characterise the UAE's current working scenario. This diversity presents unique challenges and opportunities for HR professionals. Against this backdrop, Alejandro Rosales, Senior Manager - Human Resource Business Partner, of Commercial Bank International, highlights the importance of embracing a flexible and personalised recognition strategies in R&R programmes to adapt to the region’s evolving workforce dynamics. As the region diversifies away from traditional industries, attracting and retaining international talent becomes paramount.

In this regard, R&R programmes can help bridge the gap between employee expectations and organizational goals. Soha Chahine, Founder, Corporate Trainer & Coach, HR Consultant of Forward Training and Consulting, points out that this region's organisation comprises a diverse and dynamic workforce. And to cater to their needs, a customised and inclusive recognition programme is essential. Alejandro Rosales, Senior Manager - Human Resource Business Partner, of Commercial Bank International, highlights the importance of embracing a flexible and personalised recognition strategies.

However, employee engagement levels in many regions, including the Middle East, remain notably low. A recent Gallup State of the World 2023 Report reveals that the Mena region has about 15 per cent of engaged employees. The reason for such a low percentage has been cited as lack of recognition in the workplace, resulting in people either quitting their jobs or being unhappy with their present organisation. Sriram Iyer, Founder and CEO, hrtech, points out that amidst the rise in UAE's economy, employee engagement levels have posed a significant challenge for CHROs. To tackle this issue, comprehensive R&R programs extending beyond financial incentives are essential to engage employees.

On similar lines, Abhishekh David, who is the Research Scholar and HR Thought Leader - Organisational Behaviour, HR Transformation, Culture & Change Management, said, the R&R system in the GCC countries is shifting towards a more diverse recognition method, thus underscoring the importance of meeting the changing needs of the employees at large. Non-cash rewards, including social recognition and developmental opportunities, are increasingly popular, along with culturally tailored incentives for diverse regions like the GCC. Additionally, there's a trend toward peer-level recognition and community-based rewards, promoting a grassroots approach to acknowledgement.

Dr Parvesh Tohan, Head of Total Rewards, Performance, and People Analytics of RAKBank, highlights that the impact of recognition as a 'dopamine creator' is far long lasting in cases of real-time and meaningful non-monetary appreciations than the typically used monetary awards. According to him, the success of any rewards program to drive business results depends upon how easily the employee understands the right recognizable behaviors and how social recognitions & gamifications of rewards program harness the collective energy of employees.

With rising living costs and the diminishing appeal of traditional draws like low taxes, organisations must offer more than competitive salaries to attract and retain talent in these regions. Including personalised and meaningful recognition can also foster an emotional bond with organization, enhancing job satisfaction and commitment. By tailoring rewards to individual preferences and achievements, companies show that they value their employees as unique individuals. This approach boosts morale, enhances job satisfaction, and strengthens loyalty. Personalised recognition makes employees feel seen and appreciated, leading to higher productivity and reduced turnover.

Benefits of R&R programmes for the UAE Workforce

As rightly put forward by Captain (Dr) Pranav Prasoon Thakur, Chief People Officer, of Trukker, in a business landscape such as the UAE, the concept of rewarding and recognising employees is a new phenomenon, and aligning these programs with regional norms and business objectives is important in creating a sense of relevance and excitement. The same has also been expressed by Nancy Zakharia Ohanessian, Senior Talent and Organizational Development Manager, McDermott International Ltd, according to whom recognition programs are culturally sensitive and must resonate with local values and customs to be more accepted and effective.

Here are some benefits of implementing R&R programmes in the UAE workforce:

* Increased Engagement: Employees who feel valued are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.

* Higher Productivity: Recognized employees are motivated to perform at their best, leading to increased productivity.

* Improved Retention: Effective R&R programmes reduce turnover rates by making employees feel appreciated and valued.

* Enhanced Workplace Culture: A culture of recognition fosters teamwork, collaboration, and mutual respect among employees.

Kunal Wadhwani, CHRO of Choithram's, shares that "the recognition programme at Choithrams has been highly effective, contributing significantly to the success of the organisation by identifying and rewarding top performers and creating a talent pool within the company."

R&R programmes can promote a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. By celebrating individual and team achievements, organisations can inspire employees to strive for higher performance levels and foster a collaborative and motivated work environment.


Unlocking the UAE's workforce potential through effective R&R programmes is crucial for business success. By understanding the importance of rewards and recognition, differentiating between the two, and aligning R&R strategies with the unique working culture of the UAE, organisations can foster a motivated, engaged, and loyal workforce. Leveraging insights from behavioral science and industry experts like Maya El Husseini, Sriram Iyer, Captain (Dr) Pranav Prasoon Thakur, Kunal Wadhwani, Ritu Singh and Alejandro Rosales can guide the development of impactful R&R programs that drive organizational performance and success.

Incorporating comprehensive and tailored R&R initiatives can not only enhance employee satisfaction and retention but also position organizations as employers of choice in the competitive UAE market. By continuously evolving and adapting R&R strategies to meet the changing needs of the workforce, businesses can unlock the full potential of their employees and achieve sustainable growth and success.

Published: Thu 6 Jun 2024, 3:44 PM

Last updated: Fri 7 Jun 2024, 11:05 AM