A song, a star and a lady in waiting

After she made a stunning appearance in Ali Zafars "Sajania", Sumitra Kaur is taking her time as she pursues fame and fortune in Bollywood, and surprisingly, she is willing to wait

By Usman Ghafoor (Contributor)

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Published: Sat 3 Nov 2007, 10:40 AM

Last updated: Tue 22 Nov 2022, 4:25 PM

FOR A newcomer to be noticed in a big way in an Ali Zafar video - where the young, extremely versatile pop artist of Pakistan loves to reduce the most well-known of his costars to the size of a glorified extra - is no mean feat. But, Sumitra Kaur (fondly called Sumi) has 'achieved' that, on the strength of her immense screen presence and the ability to emote, not to forget her elegant, good looks. This 21-year-old, Mumbai-based light-eyed beauty made everyone sit up when she appeared in Ali Zee's immensely popular video, 'Sajannia'. This was late last year. It is interesting to note that, months later, both 'Sajannia' and Sumitra continue to paint the town red, literally.

City Times had an exclusive chat with the elegant model with a husky baritone, who is now famously headed for Bollywood.

We haven't seen much of you since the Ali Zafar video. Why?

Simply because the offers that I received were not of my liking and the offers I would like I haven't received as yet.

Having said that, I've not been sitting idle and only waiting for the 'right' offers. I've been working on a film and a couple of videos, but they are taking some time to release. I just hope they don't all release at the same time. I don't want people to have a Sumi-overdose!

Has life changed for Sumi after 'Sajannia'?

Life is constantly changing. Whether it's because of 'Sajannia', I wouldn't know!

What is a usual Sumitra workday like?

I've just joined a theatre group and an actor's institute, so that keeps me busy from 7 in the morning till about 8 in the evening. For the remaining hours till I hit the bed, I do some 'me' time, that means anything from relaxing to writing to sketching to reading and socializing, etc. I get every half Saturday and full Sunday off. In between I do a fashion shoot here and there and make small refreshing excursions.

Tell us a bit about your beauty and exercise regimen. How do you keep yourself fit?

Actually, a paradigm shift has taken place! I was very much used to a bohemian/hedonistic lifestyle - staying awake till the wee hours of the morning and sleeping throughout the day. Some structure was desperately needed, and so I wake up now every morning at 7, start my day with a grumpy face (since I'm not a morning person), slowly transforming into a pleasant smile after my last yoga aasan. Loads of green tea is a must! That is one of the major beauty regimens I have adopted. I love dancing as well, though I consider myself an amateur dancer. But I'm working on mastering this craft.

A word about your early life and education.

Well, I was born and raised in The Netherlands, though my parents are Indian. I completed International Baccalaureate at the International School of The Hague, went on to study Communication Management for a year, then drama school and law at the same time. I quit law in third year, as I had decided to proceed with the art of acting. So, no worries, I've got my plan B and C ready!

How did you land 'Sajannia', in the first place?

While I was out partying, they - meaning the 'Sajannia' team of director, singer, manager, their girlfriends, wives, family etc - spotted me. And, I believe, as I made my way to through the exit door, I had auditioned; they fell in love with me instantly.

Your honest opinion on the video?

I am my own worst critic. And while filming 'Sajannia', I'd look at the tiniest of details, from the dancer's outfits to the size of Ali's gun. It is, however, difficult for me to perceive it from an audience's point of view. Still, I must say, compliments are due to the director and the artist himself, because the video was very well shot and put together. The entire idea of an action sequence (the bank robbery) edited in a grayish tone combined with the masquerade sequence, very colourful yet classy. The song, a very catchy tune, and lyrics, both combined turned out to be a very exotic cocktail!

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