Ever felt that the lack of passion and drive are slowly leading to declining profit margins and motivations in your organisation? Then some motivational therapy - in life and at work - seems the right answer!

By Anupama V. Chand (Staff Reporter)

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Published: Sat 12 Jun 2004, 3:57 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 12:48 AM

Dubai is all set for an inspirational sitting, when visiting motivational guru, Bob Urichuck, regales sales and marketing professionals in the city next week, with his ABC, 123 Sales Results System, at a workshop at Renaissance Dubai Hotel on June 16.

Bob Urichuck, an international professional speaker, trainer and consultant, who has worked with individuals and organisations across Canada, the US, Europe, Middle East and Asia, is also the best-selling author of Up Your Bottom Line, which was dubbed a runaway success when it was first published. During his current visit to Dubai, this book is being launched in Arabic, co-authored and translated by Dina Faidi. Dina is a certified Master Trainer and Consultant and Founder of "Creativity & Beyond". The book launch is scheduled for June 15 at the Emarat Auditorium on Shaikh Zayed Road, at 5.30 pm, organised by the Dubai Quality Group. Like with the English version, it will be divided into three sections: (a) The Bull's Eye Attitude: Selling from the Inside Out; (b) The Bull's Eye Behaviour: Targeting Your Sales Effort and (c) Bull's Eye Competencies: Hitting, Penetrating and Staying on Target, although it is has been modified to fit the Middle Eastern market.

City Times caught up with Bob Urichuck to quiz him on what makes him tick, and what staying motivated was all about.

Tell us some of the things you have gained through your experience as a motivational guru over the years? (Apart from the money and fame of course!)

Well first of all I did not get into this business for the money or fame, but to live a dream and make a difference in the world. I was in my late teens when I decided to pursue this path, but didn't really do anything about it until I was 30. I then planned for it and made it happen - it is my passion.

There are many things that I have gained from the travel, cultures, life in general, friends, business and from the professional side. I always wanted to build a business that was global in nature and see the world, so I made it happen and the experience there goes without saying what a great thing travel is. I have visited and toured many countries and have gained a wealth of travel experience, while learning more about the diverse cultures of the world, and making a lot of friends. Overall, I gained a greater appreciation of life - health, family time, relationships, balance, etc. and conclude that life is what you make it.

On the professional side, I have learnt how much the world really needs the messages that motivational speakers like me have to share. So many people get caught up in the outside world that they forget about their inside world where true success, happiness and true wealth lies. They have lost control of their lives and many are wondering around aimlessly. Most people have not taken the time to determine where they want to be in five, 10 or 15 years. They will invest more time in planning their two-week vacation than investing time in their short and long-term destiny. People need to take control of the things under their control and to not only plan, but to take action!

Identify some of the most common problems or situations that people come to you with for solutions at a management level?

Well, mostly issues that deal with sales results, team building, staff motivation and leadership.

Do you find, since you travel extensively to the US, Europe, the Middle East that there are different problems in each place, or do they often keep to a set format?

Each organisation has different problems and issues, no matter where they are located in the world. That is why we take the time to understand and customise all of our programmes based on management objectives, participant needs, time allocated and budget. Otherwise we would not be delivering solutions effectively.

Having succeeded in conducting seminars and workshops on motivational behaviour, improving public relations skills and writing books on the subject, what are some of the things you would like to achieve at a personal level?

To be honest with you I have achieved everything I wanted at a personal level as I am a simple person. I have good health, a great wife, two fantastic sons, a beautiful waterfront home, investments, a good business, lots of friends and I get to travel as often as I would like to, with a member of my family in most cases.

From a business point of view, I would like to develop some new markets, like India, China and Australia. I would also like to develop more certified associates around the world in different languages, like Dina Faidi in Dubai, who has translated my books into Arabic and is certified to conduct my programmes in Arabic and English.

Can you elaborate on your schedule in Dubai for the upcoming tour, whom will you be meeting on an official level, have you been asked to conduct any corporate workshops, if so for what types of organisations?

As to who and what I will be doing on my upcoming visit to Dubai, I usually leave that to my agents, Right Selection, to fill my schedule for me. We usually meet with senior executives in a variety of industries - banks, transportation, high-tech, retail groups, etc. to better understand their needs in order to prepare for upcoming in-house sessions.

This trip is primarily to conduct a public event on June 16, and meet with some prospective clients in Dubai. In addition, we will be developing the market in Oman in order to hold future public sessions there. This will be my third trip to Dubai this year. The previous trips were to conduct in-house workshops for clients in the High Tech and Retail sectors on team building and sales.

Today there are a plethora of motivational speakers, self-development experts and literature on the subject is also extensive. What, in your opinion, differentiates your programmes and books? What would you say is the indelible stamp of Bob Urichuck?

I would say my passion - a true understanding of the client's objectives, participant needs, time frame and the adult learning methodologies used to make learning stick while creating long-term behavioural change leading to bottom line improvements - hence, Up Your Bottom Line!

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