Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

IN SANSKRIT, THE word Chakra means wheel.


By (Yoga)

Published: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 7:24 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 11:30 PM

This asana is named Chakrasana because the entire body is shaped like a wheel while practicing it. It is also known as Urdhva Dhanur asana where Urdhva stands for “upright” or “elevated” while Dhanur means “bow”.

That is why it is also known as “Raised Bow Pose”. Wheel Pose is one of the best asanas to reduce weight. Here we showcase how to do Chakrasana and enumerate its benefits.


• First of all lie down comfortably on your back in Shavasana Pose.

• Now bend your knees completely until your feet touch your buttocks.

• Now bend your arms with elbows over the head and place palms just under the shoulders on floor such that fingers are pointing towards your back.

• While inhaling gradually raise your hands, chest, stomach, and waist by arching the spine.

• Continue pressing the ground with feet and hands. Then try to raise your body as high as possible.

• If you feel comfortable with this pose then try to bring your hands and feet as close as possible to make a wheel type shape.

• After completion of the entire process reverse the process for getting back to normal Shavasana posture.


• Chakrasana makes the spinal cord flexible, strengthening stomach and intestines.

• It is a very useful asana for those who are suffering from eye problems, waist pain, headache and spondylosis.

• It makes hands, thigh and leg muscles strong and tough.

• It is very helpful for women who are suffering from menstrual disorders and problems related to uterus.

• This pose is specifically beneficial for people who are exposed to computers for a long time as they always sit at one place and work. In the pose as we bend backward, so tension and stress in the body will be relieved and help in decreasing ailments arising out of them.


• Don’t do the asana with much force as this may lead to pain in shoulders and neck.

• If there is not much spine flexibility in the beginning, one should not force or push the body into doing the pose.

• Because of the deep arch to the spine, it is best to do a counter pose such as Matsyasana (Fish Pose) after practicing Chakrasana, to relieve any strain from the spine.

• Beginners should spread their feet to build stability in the pose, and gradually place the feet together.

Sumit Manav, Lifestyle Yoga



Published: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 7:24 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 11:30 PM

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