It might sound funny but it's true. These cats are way more popular than you.
She's the girl-next-door wrapped up in a Cinderella story. Nala was abandoned by her owners and left to fend for herself until she was adopted by a cat lover who set up an Instagram account for her. Since then she has gained 2.8 million followers on Instagram! Nala isn't particularly beautiful or talented, but she's charming, quirky and slightly cross eyed.
Introducing Smoothie, the Gigi Hadid of the cat world. With nearly 300,000 followers on Instagram, Smoothie is incredibly photogenic due to her long fur, green eyes and graceful poses. Literally, Smoothie looks better than most of us when she strikes a pose.
There is no doubt that you've seen this grumpy face online. Grumpy Cat has amassed over 1.5 million followers on Instagram for simply looking like she couldn't care less. Grumpy Cat appears grumpy because she suffers from an underbite and a feline form of dwarfism. #sad
Ancient Egypt:
Cats were like the Hollywood elite of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians worshipped a Cat Goddess, represented as half feline, half woman, whom they called Bastet. They held cats in great esteem and severely punished anyone for injuring or killing a cat.
Nine Lives Myth:
This is related to cats' ability to always land on their feet. Over time, people witnessed cats survive situations that would have injured other animals. An old English proverb states: "A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays". It wasn't supposed to be taken in seriousness but match that up with the old theory that the number nine has always been considered a magical number and a superstition is born!
Black Cats:
It was in the middle-ages in Europe that black cats got a bad rep. There was a hysteria over witches practicing black magic and alley cats were often cared for and fed by the poor lonely old ladies (lol some things never change) who were later accused of witchcraft.