The BBC One show, directed by Mira Nair and adapted from Vikram Seth's much-feted novel of the same name, casts Ishaan as Maan Kapoor, the rebellious son of politician Mahesh Kapoor (played by Ram Kapoor). Maan develops an attraction for the beautiful courtesan Saaeda Bai (essayed by Tabu).
"A first sneak peek into the world of #ASuitableBoy @bbc: Love will push you beyond your boundaries. Based on the best-selling novel, A Suitable Boy starts 26th July on BBC One and @BBCiPlayer," Ishaan captioned the video.
Expressing his excitement about the project, Ishaan said: "A Suitable Boy has been an enriching experience and I'm ever so excited for people to see it. Maan is one of the most interesting characters I've read and portraying him on screen has been a delight."
Other than A Suitable Boy, Ishaan also has the romantic action thriller Khaali Peeli in the pipeline. The film co-stars Ananya Panday. View this post on Instagram