Lebanese television anchor Rola Banham is riding a wave of success these days and has proved that she's got brains to match her looks — which is not surprising as she is a qualified architect — television is just her hobby!


By Nihal Kamel

Published: Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:52 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 2:57 PM

The cute and smooth talking presenter talks to City Times about her working as an architect and her role as a television anchor.

What are the differences you see between your original career choice as an architect and your present work as a television anchor?

I love my original work very much, especially because I have worked in the field of architecture since I graduated. I'm trained in it and it'll always remain close to my heart, but my working as a television anchor is my natural ability which I'm using to satisfy my hobby.

You mean to say talent is not needed to do what you are doing now?

Talent is the basic principle in the field of broadcasting, without talent you wouldn't move an inch in it, but talent without culture means nothing. My background in architecture sure has added to my talent. I'm a more complete person now.

How did a pretty girl like you cope with work as an architect — in the hot sun, between workers and building materials?

Beauty does not mean make-up and mirror, it's the beauty inside that is important. It's the way we behave towards our fellow beings. Working with construction workers under the hot sun is a part of that vocation and I never even thought about it. Thank God I have achieved a lot in my architectural career, specially in internal engineering projects.

You have presented a lot of successful programmes — like Rola Live and Song Number One. How do you see your guests on the programmes?

My guests are always the stars of the show. It is they who catch the audience and who steal the spotlight, so I respect my guests' opinions even if some opinions are strange and not in line with my views.

What are your ambitions in your work?

I have a lot of plans in television, but I think I have achieved quite a lot in the two programmes I have presented, which are Rola Live and Song Number One. Regarding my architectural career, I am planning for a master's degree in Industrial Engineering.

Any plans for marriage?

Whenever I find the right man.

In the future, how you plan to manage your home and work?

I think even when I have children, I would like to continue my architectural work, but I'll reconsider my television career, because I don't think I'd like to leave my kids alone for long periods to go on my filming programmes.

Which is your favourite programme on television?

The programme called Conduct hosted by the presenter Zafen.


Because the programme discusses sensitive topics and touches people's lives.

How do you maintain your figure and look beautiful?

I don't eat too much, and I have successfully prevented my self from chocolate.

You have got the nickname Miss Elite during an international competition, how did it help you in your life?

It's enough to say my success in this competition was instrumental in my stepping into the world of television.

Nihal Kamel

Published: Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:52 PM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 2:57 PM

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