PRIYANKA CHOPRA, WHO was shooting for Gangaajal 2 in Bhopal, is now back in Mumbai for the shoot for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Bajirao Mastani. "Back in Mumbai!! The feeling of completing a film is always the same! Bitter sweet.. #Gangaajal2 too much fun! Back to #BajiraoMastani tom," the 32-year-old actress tweeted. The trailer of Bajirao Mastani will be released on digital platforms today, ahead of its theatrical release alongside Kabir Khan's directorial Bajrangi Bhaijaan on July 17. Bajirao Mastani is based on the love story of 18th century Maratha warrior Peshwa Bajirao I (Ranveer Singh) and his second wife Mastani (Deepika). Priyanka plays Kashibai, the first wife of Peshwa Bajirao.