Ten impressions

UAE and Moroccan artists in a battle of creativity as they exhibit their artworks at the Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi


By Contributor (LAYLA HAROON)

Published: Wed 9 Jan 2008, 11:01 AM

Last updated: Fri 22 Mar 2024, 8:24 AM

THE ARTWORK of ten great artists of UAE and Morocco, displayed at the ongoing exhibition ‘Neo Impressionism’ at the Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi, rekindles the cultural spirits of the two great ethnical nations.

Abdellatif Zein, Abdul Qader Al Rais, Abdul Raheem Salem, Ahmed Zubata, Hasan Alawi, Ibtissam Abouinane, Mohammed Boustane, Obaid Suror, Mohammed Yusuf Ali, Mona al Khajah, all challenge the conventional parameters of artistic compositions. Paintings of Abdellatif Zein are characterised by abstracts with a figurative approach.

Arab ambience

The richer, older and appealing Arab ambience is well reflected in the work of the world-renowned Emirati artist Abdul Qader Al Rais. However, this time it is his calligraphic version. "My style is diverse both in paintings and calligraphy. Sometimes it is a fusion of the abstract and impressionism. In calligraphy I mix the abstract with Arabic calligraphic words, to give it a new look," says Al Rais. Al Rais believes that Islamic art is more than calligraphy. "Islamic art is not just Arabic letters, it is abstract. Calligraphy is a part of Islamic art."


Splendid composition

Ibtissam Abouinane’s paintings are a great concourse of dreams. Her full-bodied touch, vivacious colour, perfectly balanced talent and splendid composition depict fantastical images. Born in Morocco, Ibtissam is currently based in Abu Dhabi. After her graduation from Academy of Fine Art in Morocco, she took an interest in art, however, the love for art was always there since her childhood.

With her unique technique, Ibtissam accomplishes her cohesive work of art by genuinely escaping into the picture to create both abstract and realistic style. Inspired by the strong lines one can espy on horses’ body, her paintings, she says, shows the intense appearance of horses being brought up in different ways.

Though she uses various means of mediums, her favourite is pastel. "My inspiration comes out better through pastels," she says.

Visual form

Mohammed Boustane’s calligraphic composition appeals particularly to mature viewers, who appreciate the distinct ways he embodies in his art pieces. By carefully balancing both words and visual form, he creates a rhythmic melodic flow to his works that unites the detailed calligraphy with forms and colours.

His inspiration comes from the works of contemporary Arab artist Nja Mahdaoui, and his technique is similar to the artist’s style. Boustane rejects all comprehensions of his artwork being Quran phrases or Islamic art.

Islamic art

"Today, people regard the use of Arabic word as Islamic art. In fact, this is not true. A letter never represents any religion; you can use them to quote a religious convictional but they do not signify any particular subject. Arabic letters were there long before."

The interpretation of his art, says Boustane, goes as joined Arabic letters, dancing and expressing their softening artistic deliberating quality in a calligraphic style. "The phrases in my work have no meaning. They are letters simply joined to form an incessant sentence," he adds. Above all, he believes, when a letter is linked to another letter, it makes a meaning that is of some value.

One of his calligraphic works displayed in the exhibition is by no means a usual creation. When asked to explain the entire make up of the piece, Boustane says, "I have used a different technique in fashioning this piece. At first, I wrote the Arabic phrases in form of a circle with heavy ink glue using a quill. On that, I placed a light golden paper and pressed it hard with a material, after the golden paper caught the written phrase I brushed off the remaining paper; consequently designing the artwork."

Relaxed personality

Abdul Raheem Salem is one the pioneers in contemporary art in the UAE and the Gulf. In spite of his gentle and relaxed personality, Salem has been able to produce strong work, which kept his profile high among contemporary artists of the UAE.

Salem’s work with variety of the medium has proved his excellence not only in painting but also in other mediums such as sculpture. His creativity and strength has continuously maintained in the series of artworks that he has produced in the past few years. Born in Dubai, Salem now lives and works in Sharjah. He is the chairman of the Emirates Fine Arts Society and a participant of all its local and international art exhibitions.

His paintings contain special effects that derive from different aspects of civilisation; and are free from the concern of visual limits - clearly shown in the way he presents darkness and light in cognitive harmony.

Contributor (LAYLA HAROON)

Published: Wed 9 Jan 2008, 11:01 AM

Last updated: Fri 22 Mar 2024, 8:24 AM

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