The Wise Words of Snoop

By Maán Jalal

Published: Mon 10 Jul 2017, 12:12 PM

Last updated: Mon 10 Jul 2017, 5:38 PM

Even if you aren't a pop culture enthusiastic you must have heard about the absolute mess that is Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna.

I want to make it clear that I don't care for them or this story or their relationship or their families. I'm literally writing this because no one will stop talking about it. As a pop culture analyst (I just made up that title by the way) I take my responsibilities seriously. So, in grand moments like these I feel the need to shine my light on what 'revenge p ***n' is going on and focus with my magnifying glass of common sense and try to find a legitimate manner to contact Elon Musk and ask him if there is a way for us to stop the earth from rotating so we can all get off.

In case you've been lucky enough not to hear about what happened, Rob Kardashian posted explicit (and we mean explicit) photos of Blac Chyna (mother of his child Dream Kardashian) accusing her of cheating on him with at least two other men whom he named and tagged and going into other details of what debauchery occurs in the house she lives in (that he pays for) the cars she drives in (that he bought her), the jewellery she wears (that he bought her) so on and so forth. The images he posted were so explicit that Instagram had to step in and give him a time out. They suspended his account.

Since then Blac Chyna has allegedly issued a restraining order against her "baby daddy" but has also in a move that has blind sided the world (please note my sarcasm), liked the images he posted about her, which has left her in a position where she is unable to sue him for whatever she was going to sue him for.

I feel as though there is a bigger conversation to have here. Something outside of the realm of reality TV, gold diggers and a whole bunch of memes. The memes have been good though, don't get me wrong.
So, what can we learn from this? What does it all mean? How does this piece of pop culture scandal reflect on us as a society and where are we going as a culture? To be completely honest I could write 10,000 words on the subject from our obsession of shining the light on gold diggers and nobodies, to the depths of filth and treachery people are willing to sink to for fame and I don't know. is fame really that amazing?

But no, I won't write 10,000 words about this. I don't have the time or the inclination to type out the names of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna over and over again. Instead, to make sense of everything I found solace from Snoop Dog who posted a 28 second video concluding what we should learn about this whole debacle that I am happy to share with all of you. Enjoy.

"He (Rob) knew what he was getting into when he got her. She (Blac) is what she is, she was what she was. Quit crying to the Internet. You got more money to burn, go buy you another. Blac Chyna just did what she was supposed to do. She seen a sucker and she licked it. For all you suckers don't get licked, do the licking."

Maán Jalal

Published: Mon 10 Jul 2017, 12:12 PM

Last updated: Mon 10 Jul 2017, 5:38 PM

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