The fund drew its name from Ekta Kapoor's Pavitra Rishta, the TV series that made Sushant a household name before he became a Bollywood star. The producer was being severely trolled for allegedly lending support to the fund, a gesture that many felt meant she was supporting the depression theory in Sushant's death, which his family has rejected.
Social media users soon launched the hashtag #ShameOnEktaKapoor, which started trending.
Ekta has subsequently tweeted: "Even though this is not a fund started by me, but started by Zee and is a needed one at that, I am always with Zee for any other mental awareness fund that they want to do, but on this one I would like to respectfully dissociate myself. #SSR Hope the truth prevails."
She also posted a note that read: "While I support the cause of mental health, I dissociate myself from the Pavitra Rishta Fund till the investigations are carried out and we have a clear picture on Sushant's unfortunate death. I withdraw myself from this fund individually as of now, as it seems that there is more to this tragic incident. Like the rest of the country, I would like the truth to come out."
In July, a month after Sushant's demise, Ekta had joined hands with Zee5 India CEO Tarun Katial for the Pavitra Rishta Fund.
- Ekta Kapoor (@ektarkapoor) August 19, 2020