India Covid Crisis: Massive surge in cases in Odisha

Bhubaneshwar - The past 10 days have seen the state reporting over 8,000 cases a day and the toll has risen to 12 a day.

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Published: Fri 7 May 2021, 8:23 AM

States including Bihar and Odisha, which had not witnessed a Covid flare-up unlike Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala over the past few weeks, are now experiencing a massive surge in cases.

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, Odisha reported over 12,000 cases, a 16.31 per cent jump in just one day. It was the first time that the figure breached the 12,000 mark. The state government imposed a complete lockdown for 14 days from Wednesday, worried about the growing number of new cases.

The past 10 days have seen the state reporting over 8,000 cases a day and the toll has risen to 12 a day. Many, however, fear that the actual numbers could be much higher in the state.

Dr Tribhuban Mohan Mahapatra, a senior microbiologist and former Indian Council of Medical Research member, told the media it was difficult to assess infections due to the low number of tests. “There may be many more asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic people who are skipping tests due to lack of aggressive testing protocol,” he said. “Odisha should test at least double the number it is doing now.”

Tests are also low in some districts because of the breakdown of machines, admitted Dr Bijay Mohapatra, director of health services. But there was no delay in treatment for the patients, he added.

Worried about the growing number of cases, the state government has sealed its borders with Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, which have seen the emergence of a new virulent strain of the coronavirus. All those coming from the two states have to undergo mandatory isolation for 14 days in government-designated quarantine centres.

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