Predictions for 2013

Dubai - In 2013, massive swathes of the world will struggle under pedestrian leaders, unable to accelerate growth. The 2008 crisis has metamorphosed into protracted stagflation.


By Rajendra K. Aneja

Published: Fri 4 Jan 2013, 10:32 PM

Last updated: Mon 11 Oct 2021, 9:51 AM

Obama, ecstatic with his victory should embrace the Republicans, to be effective. The last election fractured the USA. Obama must unite all factions, or his next four years could be as lackluster as the first stint. America's debt towers at USD 16.4 trillion, the size of its GDP.

Europe will reel under austerity. Angela Merkel will retain her job as Chancellor. USA and Europe may re-commence local manufacture. Putin will adeptly manipulate various oligarchies to keep himself entrenched.

China's new president Xi Jinping will consolidate his position. Chinese will target Africa for raw materials and western markets for finished products. Guard for a slowdown.

The Arab spring could ebb. Arab youngsters will chase jobs and homes, not revolutions. Syria will be turbulent.

Latino countries will defy their image of pure beach-lovers and progress economically. Brazilians will grind, to be ready for World Cup in 2014.

Public faith in the competence and maturity of political leaders, will take a further thrashing in 2013. Dedicated persons should active politics and seek power to change. It is time for a new beginning. Happy 2013!

Rajendra K. Aneja

Published: Fri 4 Jan 2013, 10:32 PM

Last updated: Mon 11 Oct 2021, 9:51 AM

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