Behind classroom doors; the life of a teacher

Muaz Shabandri gets a glimpse into the life of teachers in the UAE.


By Muaz Shabandri/staff Reporter

Published: Wed 4 Feb 2015, 12:11 AM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:50 PM

From rising early to seeing off the last student after school hours, working as a teacher is not easy. Every day, thousands of teachers across the UAE schools face the tough task of making the day more interesting for students. Muaz Shabandri gets a glimpse into the life of teachers. Part two of the series.

Dhanya Shatus,
Credence High School, Dubai

About yourself ...

I have been a teacher for more than six years. I truly believe that teaching is a profession that affects eternity. Teaching for me has always been a way to give back to society by ensuring that I do my best to instil in my students a sense of responsibility not just for themselves but for those less privileged.

Favourite memory as a teacher …

Teaching students at the kindergarten stage is a whole new challenge. Children come to us full of doubts and apprehensions like who we are, what we will do and how we will treat them. To be able to see those doubtful and apprehensive eyes turn into trusting and loving ones within a matter of a few weeks is a joy beyond words.

Different roles played by a teacher ...

A teacher’s entry into a child’s life comes at a very important juncture. It comes at a time when he is learning to adapt to a new environment namely the school. With the pressures of modern day living, it is the teacher who teaches the child to strike the right balance. For me, a teacher’s role moves beyond the classroom. A teacher is someone who imparts education in the true sense of the word equipping the child to be confident in who he is and what he does.

Technology as a tool to educate …

When we deal with students who come to class with a mind full of information, we as teachers need to have all the patience and the tact to deal with them. We need to ensure that while they are appreciated for the information they have, they are also made aware of the right usage of what they know. We need to update our technological skills to match those of our students and be ever willing to learn from them.

Biggest obstacle to teaching …

The biggest obstacle to teaching these days comes from the ‘two-minute’ culture. The tearing hurry that we all are in, is percolating down to teaching and learning. We as adults must realise that teaching and learning is a slow process where students learn at their own pace and show spurts of growth both physically and mentally at different times. To expect them to learn uniformly, behave uniformly and perform uniformly is being unfair to them. Comparisons must stop and children must be allowed “to be”.


Kit Waley, Uptown School

About yourself …

I have been a teacher for thirty years and it’s something I have always wanted to do because I love working with children and delight in seeing them learn and grow.

Favourite memory as a teacher …

There are many, so this is hard. Seeing a child support another and how they genuinely care for each other or to see and hear a child read for the first time and the smile that comes to their face at this achievement. These are my favourite moments.

Different roles played by a teacher …

I see all these qualities (being a parent, mentor, friend and counsellor) as important because at the end of the day, teachers should have the child’s or the student’s interests at heart. So you do what you feel you need to do and play the role you need to play.

Technology as a tool to educate …

Technology in some aspects has made teaching difficult, but change is a constant so one just has to ensure you are on top of things. If I could change something it would be to make the paperwork we are burdened with more relevant to the child’s learning.

Biggest obstacle to teaching …

If you are passionate there are no obstacles – you can overcome any issues if you are committed and love what you do.


Sandra Mason,
GEMS FirstPoint School - The Villa

About yourself ...

I have been a teacher for over 20 years. As a child I really didn’t like going to my primary school because of my teacher and I decided I would become a teacher so the children I taught would love coming to school. Children are in the educational system for a long time and they shouldn’t be switched off (from) learning at an early age.

Favourite memory as a teacher ...

Every ‘wow’ moment when a child achieves something; those light bulb moments when it all suddenly makes sense.

Different roles played by a teacher ...

My role in the classroom is as a teacher. I am there to aid and encourage their learning, to develop their personal, social and emotional skills so they can fulfil their potential; to encourage their thirst for knowledge as they continue their learning journey.

Technology as a tool to educate ...

For our own personal development we have to stay up to date with technology. Fortunately, with the age group I teach, the skill level and complexity is not a huge learning leap, but we have to develop skills. For example, I do not own an iPad (but) most of my (students) have their own, so that has been a learning experience for me.

Biggest obstacle to teaching ...

Not enough hours  to cover everything I’d like to do! Or enough hours at home to prepare all the resources I’d like to use.

Muaz Shabandri/staff Reporter

Published: Wed 4 Feb 2015, 12:11 AM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:50 PM

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