Behind classroom doors

Muaz Shabandri gets a glimpse into the life of teachers who face the tough task of making the day more interesting for students.


By Muaz Shabandri/staff Reporter

Published: Tue 17 Feb 2015, 12:15 AM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:50 PM

From rising early to seeing off the last student after school hours, working as a teacher is not easy. Thousands of teachers across the UAE schools face the tough task of making the day more interesting for students. Muaz Shabandri gets a glimpse into the life of teachers. This is the last of the series.

Muireann Carroll

Dubai British Foundation

About yourself …

I have been teaching for 12 years. I have taught all class levels from 3-12 years and have had experience teaching mainstream classes, English Language Learners, Special Needs children as well as “Gifted” Learners. Every child has the potential for success and I feel strongly that it is a teacher’s role to facilitate these successes.

Favourite memory as a teacher …

I have had countless wonderful moments during my teaching career. Perhaps my most memorable was when I was invited to attend the graduation of a child with special needs who I had taught for many years during primary school. Parents had been advised that it was unlikely that their child would develop in mainstream education. Despite this, the child succeeded in a mainstream school environment and was an integral part of his school. He had made lots of friends and these friends clearly benefitted from knowing a person with educational and physical challenges. It was a very special experience.

Different roles played by a teacher ….

The teacher’s role is first and foremost to educate a child. However, to educate a child holistically, we must firstly ensure that the child is well, happy and stress free. For example, if a child comes to school worried, upset or hungry, we must leave the formal educator role and satisfy the child’s basic needs first. It is at this point we enter into a variety of roles, be it mother or mentor. When these basic needs are met the child is then ready for formal lessons.

Technology as a tool to educate …

Teaching has always been a challenging profession as it requires constant energy, enthusiasm and motivation. If however you are your lucky enough to be a teacher who loves his job, you will have countless moments of joy and fun! To be a truly effective teacher you must be up skilling regularly. Teaching with new technology is simple another area of learning we have had to develop.

Biggest obstacle to teaching …

Teaching requires constant patience, motivation and differentiation. We are all aware that children, like adults, learn in a variety of ways, be it through listening, seeing or doing. Ensuring that the class teacher accommodates these types of learners and differentiates each lesson in fun and imaginative ways is a constant challenge. However, with hard work, enthusiasm and experience a teacher can create a classroom environment, which allows all children to become successful and self-motivated learners.

Muaz Shabandri/staff Reporter

Published: Tue 17 Feb 2015, 12:15 AM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:50 PM

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